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Emery's Pov-
"Here drink this" Steve handed me a cup of water sitting down next to me. I wrapped the cover around my shoulders I brought the drink close to my chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" Steve asked I looked over at him he moved the paper towel away from his busted lip. "Steve I'm so sorry again" he laughed a little shaking his head he tossed the paper towel down on the table. "It's not the first and it won't be the last I'm fine, I'm more worried about you Mia amato" I raised my eyebrow up again at him.

What the hell is he calling me? It probably is something weak.. does he think I'm weak? I didn't bother talking to him about it right now my mind is a scrambled egg right now. It's a mess "Hey you alright?" He asked touching my knee softly I jumped at his touch he let me go quickly "Yeah... I'm sorry I just got lost in my thoughts." He shook his head shrugging his shoulders "If you don't want to talk about it then I saw nothing" I smiled softly to my self looking up at him. It was that right there the little things he does to make me feel completely safe and comfortable around him. He always did that for me and I loved it, it made me feel like I had someone that actually cares and understands what I'm going through.

"Thank you Steve, I will tell you when I'm ready" he nodded his head smiling softly. "And I'll be here whenever your ready okay? I'm not gonna push you to talk I know how it is whenever your ready I'm here to listen for right now how about a movie?" He asked I looked at the clock on the wall I suggested deeply. "Steve it's two in the morning you probably got work" he shook his head grabbing the tv remote "I'll be fine don't worry about me what do you want to watch?" I smiled pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Whatever you want just nothing horror or anything sad." He nodded his head putting a romcom on I looked over at him "Hey you knocked out most of the movies I had in mind so it came down to this" I rolled my eyes laughing a little "Alright alright" I snuggled into the cover leaning back into the arm rest. "Come here" he moved his arm to the top of the couch I looked away from the tv looking at him. I moved over to him snuggling into his side. "I want you to make a deal with me." I looked up at him "your gonna go weeks, months even feeling fine" I nodded my head "Then your gonna have a bad day, Just let me know when you do." I smiled softly at him my heart melted.

"okay" I whispered i nuzzled my head into his chest we laid back a bit I unwrapped my self with the cover and covered him up also. As the movie went on my eyes felt heavy as the world around me disappeared.


Steve's Pov~
"Hey wake up" Mary whispered shaking my shoulder I jumped a bit she shushed me "Shhh you'll wake her up" I looked down to see her snuggled into me sound asleep. "She sleep peacefully after you showed up, she needed it thank you" Mary whispered I nodded my head. She walked away into the kitchen. "Hey Mia amato wake up" I whispered shaking her softly she groaned snuggling into my legs a little more I smiled softly at the sight. I tucked some hair behind her ear "I got a day off so come in we can spe" my phone interrupted me I sighed deeply she groaned sitting up I answered the phone "McGarrett" it was chin explaining we got a case once I got off the phone she was up and walking around the house. "Hey I'm sorry I got a case, but once it's over I'll be back over okay if you want?" I asked she nodded her head I smiled softly pulling her into a hug.

"Have a good day girls I'll see you later" I rushed out the door leaving to head to the headquarters. I pulled into the parking lot quickly walking into the headquarters "Well look who's glowing what's up?" Lou asked I shook my head ignoring him walking up to the table. "No we aren't ignoring this Steve you look happier? What happened?" Danny asked me I shrugged my shoulders "come on man you can tell us" chin said looking at me I sighed deeply.

"Mary's best friend is back in town after years of not seeing her" Kono smiled at me softly "Is it the girl that's in that photo of you and Mary in your kitchen?" She asked I nodded my head "she's a good girl, I haven't seen her since we got shipped off here to Hawaii" danny adjusted himself looking between me and Kono "Wait, you actually mean there's someone that likes your crazy ass?" Danny asked I shook my head laughing "No, she don't know anything about my feelings what so ever." Chin raised his eyebrow lost. "Okay let's get working on this case and we will talk about it later but now, this is Amy Rhodes she is forty five years old and was found washed up onto the beach with two bullet holes to the chest" Lou went in explaining the details

When the time is right ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now