Chapter 13

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Benny's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I can't believe that Mads parents want me to stop being with her let alone them wanting her to stop being friends with the boys. We have to find a way to stay together and that she can stay friends with the boys

Mads POV

I am hoping today will be a great day and that we find the best solution to the problem my parents created.

We all arrived at Scottie's house and I began to get even more nervous. I really want to be with Benny and after everything we've been through we deserve it. As soon as Benny came through the door I ran into his arms and kissed him.
" Hey Mads I missed you"
" I missed you too"
" it's been less that 24 hours since you've seen each other"  Scotty said rolling his eyes at our cuteness.
" ok so I have a plan"
" what if I was your alibi"
" what do you mean"
" what if I told your mom that we were  hanging out but she also saw the boys together at Benny's house and no where near us."
" how will this plan work"
"I will come over asking if we could  go to the movies, at that same time the boys arrive at Benny's house which she will have no reason to not let you go and the boys will be sneaking out the back door"
" this plan can actually work, you are the best cousin ever" I say giving Scotty a big hug.

I can't believe that Scotty had an entire plan made just for me and Benny to see each other and the other boys of course. He is the best cousin ever. I Can't wait to try out the plan tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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