chapter 11

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Mads POV 

yesterday was the worst day of my life Benny is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I lost him because of Alex. 

Today was supposed to be a fun day. we were gonna go to the waterpark and play baseball while we watch fireworks but all of this went  out the window when alex kissed me. 

Benny's pov 

I didn't want to get up today. I was so heartbroken and betrayed. 

I should have never asked her to be my girlfriend or get into a relationship. 

Today was supposed to be a big day. I was gonna tell her that I love her. 

All of that changed when she kissed alex. I feel so stupid for falling for her. 


I realized that being with mads was worth more than anything. so I'm going to see her she needs to know how i feel about her. 

mads pov

I hear something hit my window. i get up to see what it is and I see benny. 

M-" what are you doing here"

B" we need to talk let me in" 

I shook my head yes and he came up. 

B" do you like me" 

M'' yes of course why wouldn't I "

B'' then why did you kiss alex" 

M" i didn't. i was telling him I was upset about what happened between you and me. he said that I should be with someone who really cared about me and that's when he kissed me" 

I started getting frazzled and then benny kissed me 

before i could say anything else he said 

B" I love you Mads" 

M'' I love you too" then we kissed again. 

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