Chapter 7

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Mads POV

Yesterday was the best day ever. I'm officially Bennys girlfriend and we kissed. I can't wait to walk together.

A few minutes later

There was a knock on my door and I run down stairs

B-" hey mads"

M-"Hey benny"

B-" you ready to go"


Then he grabs my hand and we walk to the sandlot. As we walk in, all of the boys turn to us with their jaws dropped. Then benny says

B-"Why are you surprised, you knew this was going to happen" Then I play hit him.then he said 

" Ok guys lets play ball"

We were playing ball and it was my turn to bat. I whacked the ball so hard it went over the fence. I got a home run and when I got homme Benny picked me up, spun me around, and we kissed. Everyone fake gagged. I said

M-" don't hate cause no girl want to kiss you"

Then as the sun set we walked home. Benny and I said bye and kissed me. I looked over next door and saw a boy my age. He waved at me, so I waved back and walked inside my house. 

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