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Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Pt. 2)

**Arthurs POV**

The Ninja quickly and quietly sneak into the monastery, ready to put their plan into action. Past Sensei Wu was snoring away in his bed, dreaming of better and more peaceful days. Past Kai was slowly and lazily getting himself ready for bed. Last but never least, Past Nya was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Jay, Cole, and Zane were already in her room and quietly walked up to her bed. Jay looks at her frowning because he didn’t want to do this, but they had no choice. If he ever wanted to be with her in the future, he better make sure that past Kai gets his fire back.

Cole looks over at Zane who has a bag large enough to fit a person inside of it but in the meantime, it has their new masks in it, “Time to play our parts.”

Zane passes out their Skeletons masks and whispers, “We have to act quickly while Kai is keeping himself busy.”

As Past Kai was brushing his teeth and spitting out the toothpaste, Kai took out the looking glass and carefully put it down. Both wearing red and white pinstripe pajamas, they could easily pass off as identical twins. When Past Kai looks back at where the mirror should be, he gasps at the sudden 3D look from it.

After making faces and rubbing his hand on the ’glass’, Kai finally spoke, “Hey dummy!”

Past Kai yelps and jumps back in shock and fright from hearing his reflection insult him, “Argh!”

“Yeah, I’m talking to you.”


“Would you get your head on straight and start listening to Sensei? The fate of the world kina of rest on it.”


On the rooftop Zane, Cole, and Jay are walking quietly as Jay holds the bag that now holds a squirming Nya within it.

Nya thrashes in the bag and shouts in a demanding voice, “Unhand me, Skeletons!”

Jay being the softy and screw up, he is, decided to try and calm her down, “Oh, I’m sorry, Nya.”

Zane and Cole freeze up as well as Nya within the bag. Zane looks down and stares at three familiar fingers dressed in black sneak their way around the grounds. Cole looks back at Jay and glares at him for almost blowing their cover.

“How’d you know my name? Oh! When my brother finds out about this, you’ll be sorry!” Nya shouts from within the bag.

Cole smiles at this and holds in a chuckle, “Actually, he’ll be quite relieved.”

“Uh, guys, we’ve got company,” Zane said in a hushed voice.

Jay looks down and gasps seeing their past selves, “Isn’t that, uh, us?”

“Better lower our mask so they don’t recognize us.” Cole pulls his mask over his face and his brothers do the same.

As they begin to fight their former self selves, Past Nya cries out for her older brothers. Both Kai’s hear this and instantly think ‘Oh no’. Past thinking something is wrong and Present thinking the three dorks messed up.

Past Kai looks at the ceiling and turns to run, “Nya!”

Kai shouts out at his past self, “Hey, I wasn’t done talking to you. You can’t leave.”

Pat Kai looks back at the ‘looking glass’ and frowns, “Why not? You’re just my reflection!”

Kai finally fed up with his past self’s attitude, punches his former self out cold, “Sorry, but I can’t have you spoiling our plans”

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