Chapter 27 : One Step Forward

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I slept through to the afternoon of Saturday, eventually. I got up. Pulling on a school jumper and a skirt. Lacing up my shoes, pushing my hair back. I grabbed my broom, as I started making my way out to the pitch. It was sunny, but colder than usual. I walked through the grass. Taking in the fresh air. I felt like I hadn't gone outside in ages. When I entered the pitch. My eyes caught to Garreth across the way. He was surrounded by tens of other Gryffindors. All with their brooms, and excited looking faces. 

I smiled, noticing that Garreth was in his quidditch uniform. But we weren't required to wear them because none of us were exactly on the team yet. Me and Garreth still hadn't spoken about the whole engagement thing. Was he ignoring it? 

"Right- okay." Garreth clasped his hands together. "This year we'll be looking for three chasers, two beaters, and a seeker. Hate to tell you this but I'm keeper." 

"Why do you get to be keeper?" A boy piped up. 

"Because he's captain- Tony you're a fucking idiot." A girl spoke to him. 

"Oi- less of that- we're a team!" Garreth pepped. I felt someone at my side- Natty. I smiled to her. "Okay, first with the beaters then, who's up?" 

I watched, as Lucan Brattleby and a few other boys hauled on their brooms, along with one other girl. Garreth went up with them, his wand out. Each of them were holding beaters bats. I leaned against the stands with Natty, watching. 

"Reckon we'll get to see someone get knocked off their broom today?" I wandered. 

"Most definitely." Natty laughed, as we watched. Lucan was good, very good. He didn't let the bludger go out of step at all, the girl that went up with them was pretty good too. Garreth blew his whistle, as they all floated down. He seemed so ecstatic, I smiled at his happiness. It warmed me. 

"Excellent! Spot on there!" Garreth clapped his hands once more. "Right then- chasers!" Garreth called. Me, Natty, Leander, Eric Northcott, and Hector Jenkins stepped up, along with some strange fourth year girls that I didn't know that kept giggling.

"Right then- your aim- is to get the quaffle past me, through the hoop." Garreth smiled, gesturing for us to fly up. I went to mount my broom, when I felt a hand on my lower back. I froze. Turning my head. It was Garreth. He was so close to me, and in front of everyone. Why did he have to touch me so? His hand trailed up and down my back. 

Like all the other girls I saw him do that to last year in the halls. 

He leaned down, whispering in my ear, his hot breath dancing on my ear. "Goodluck today." His voice purred. "Not that you'll need it." I just looked at him, he was so close. A mere inch or two from my face. His freckles shone in the sun, as his green eyes were locked with mine. I felt a warmth spread over my face. 

"Thank you Garreth." I spoke in a small voice, but then I just mounted my broom, as I flew up to be with the others. Natty raised her brow at me. She saw. I just gave a small shrug in return. 

"Now- I want a nice- clean, fair game here alright?" Garreth was atop his broom. As I noticed I had never seen him actually play before. He looked each and every one of us in the eye, as he floated his way over to the goalposts. He tossed the quaffle into Leanders hands. "You're up Prewett- ready? Go-" At the blow of a whistle, the try outs for chaser started. Leander wasn't half bad, he made most of the shots. Eric Northcott was good too, Hector Jenkins was rather dreadful. Whilst Natty was like lightening. It was unreal. She zoomed about the goalpost, she didn't get it through every time, but it was obvious that Garreth was struggling to keep up with her. Then it was my turn. Natty put the quaffle to my hand. She winked at me and whispered. 

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