Chapter 6: Owls to Send

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Dear Sebastian,

I hope you and Anne are well, and that things are going smoothly, I'm okay here. No one is really around, I think I heard Peeves in the night- I'm not sure. The owl that comes bearing this letter, is my new owl Berry, pay no mind to the name. As much as I could be regretting these next words, I wish it was September already, this castle is so big without everyone, I think I'm even starting to miss Gareth, please write to me when you find the time. 

Sincerely, (Y/N)

Dear Poppy,

Highwing has been doing great, just the other day she laid an egg! If you wish, you may name it, as I have found that I am not so good at naming things. This is my owl Berry, I'm sure you'll love her. Hogwarts isn't the same without you- have you heard from your parents? How is your gran with her enchantments?  I miss you terribly, I can't wait to see you again in the coming weeks. 

From, (Y/N)

Dear Gareth,

Ah, alas, you still haven't written, I think you're pulling my leg Weasley. The halls aren't the same without the odd smell of something burning from your cauldron. I haven't seen much of Sharp, but I think he went back to the ministry, and I thought I'd let you know I got that job at The Three Broomsticks. Nothing could have stopped me! Please write back soon, and send one of your concoctions if you wish to. 

Ps, I have told Berry to nip at your fingers if she smells something foul- meaning you.

Sincerely, (Y/N)

Dear Natty,

How did the statement go? When will you be back? Are you alright? I've been keeping myself busy, but I'm afraid I am running out of things to do here, I've been to the kitchens about five times now, but they elves aren't getting sick of me. Not yet anyways. I hope your mother is okay too, is it too late for me to start studying for next year? I am far behind I suppose. Anyways- the owl is called Berry, I'm not sure she'll be able to find you, so this may have taken some time to reach you. 

Sincerely, (Y/N)

Dear Ominis,

I hope you are well, I miss going to the Undercroft with you and Sebastian. Maybe we could do that more next year?  How are things with your family? If they're being crude, I'd hex the lot of them for you, gladly. I miss you, more than the others admittedly, mostly because I know I won't be able to see you for the longest time. The owl that gave you this letter is called Berry, she's friendly, so you may pet her, she's rather soft. Please, be okay, I'm worried. Write when you can. 

Sincerely, (Y/N)

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