Chapter 2 : The Boys in Green

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"Well well well. My new charge, or perhaps just my charge now? I suppose the old has been knocked out of you." A husky voice spoke. I looked up. Sebastian, alongside Ominis. I smiled to them.

"Keeping out of trouble Sallow?" The words slipped my mouth, as I realised it was a bad joke to make. He did just kill his uncle, and his sister has possibly disowned him. But he didn't take the comment to heart, of even notice it at all.

"Ah you know me, I always have something to get into." He winked, as he began walking. "So- what are you doing this summer?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Was thinking about staying here actually. What about you two?"

"Well I in fact, would favour staying here, rather than go back to that house." Ominis grumbled. His wand flicking in the light.

"Well I for one, might take to doing a bit of both. Might put myself down as staying here and every few days.. Go check on Anne, I got an owl saying she's taken to teaching some of the children how to read and write in Feldcroft, and in return, the Hamlet has taken to looking after her. So it's a win I suppose. I spent half the year faffing about, so I'll have to get to studying, and back to Quiddich practice of course." Sebastian added, almost like he was at ease with his life now.

"Why don't you just stay here Ominis?" I asked him as we walked, seemingly toward Gryffindor tower.

"I couldn't- My father would be in uproar, and come right here to hex me on the spot if he had to. We're having family meetings this summer with some goblins, don't think it's going to go well if I'm honest. I just think he'll want an extra wand if it comes to blows." He explained. "And also- a talk with the ministry, somethings happening at Hogwarts next year, however, I'm unsure of what."

"Must be the new magical theory teacher or something- But with goblins? Wouldn't make sense." Sebastian sighed. "Reckon you could get away early or something?"

"That would be impossible. You know how my father can be." Ominis added.

"Yes I.. I suppose you're right." The brunette admitted.

"We could visit you." I joked, but Sebastian took this seriously.

"We could! I know you have rooms to spare, so don't be a stranger to me and (Y/N) with your owls this summer." Sebastian laughed. Ominis smiled lightly, giving a chuckle.

"We'd have to tell him you're a Slytherin rather than a Gryffindor then." Gaunt added, as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, this is me, I'll sit with the pair of you at breakfast tomorrow- okay?" I smiled, as I waved my goodbyes.

I headed to the dorm, as a party seemed to be brewing because of our house cup win, I waved my wand for this disillusionment charm, as I slinked up the stairs, and headed to bed. 

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