Chapter 8 : The Fashion Emergency

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I had received the invitation on the Monday, but had no time to look for dresses, as work and my creatures took up my time. Between Highwings egg, and the serious uproar of not having Pumpkin Juice in The Three Broomsticks, everything was insane. It was on the late wednesday night, that I had just come back to my dorm from work, that the same owl scratched at my window again, and once more, I scrambled to open it. 

"Make yourself at home." I grumbled, the letter fell to my hands. I snapped it open. 

To our dear party goer  (Y/N) (L/N)

We have received your reply, and your carriage will come for your departure at the Gaunt/Slytherin residence. The carriage will arrive upon the Hogwarts front courtyard, at 5pm sharp on Friday, if this carriage is missed, another shall not be called, 

Kind Regards, 

Marvolo Gaunt. 

"You're taking the piss." I muttered under my breath. I looked back up, but the owl was gone. I couldn't do anything about it now. So I headed back to bed. 

I awoke early that morning, shovelled my breakfast, and threw on my clothes, as I shot myself down towards Gladrags as fast as my legs would carry me. I barged in, slamming myself to the counter. 

"My word young lady! Are you quite alright?" Mr Hill called out. I held up a hand to show him I needed a moment. 

"I need-- A-- a - dress." I huffed out, now holding the sides of my waist, I really wasn't doing as much running about as I used to. "I- got an- invitation- last- minute- the Gaunts- I swear.." I couldn't take it anymore, my hands were now resting on my knees as I puffed. But I could hear the noise of breaking China, I looked up slowly, as Mr Hill looked distraught. 

"My word- this is a fashion emergency- come along!" He called, as he shunned me into the corner behind a dressing curtain. 

"Rosie!" He called out. "Rosie m'dear! We have a problem!" Mr Hill called out, he looked more frantic than I felt right now. As a beautiful woman came to my view. She was a dream. Tight brown ringlets in her hair, scarlet lips, deep brown eyes, with a somewhat tanned skin. 

"Yes father?" She smiled to him, then looked at me, but another thing I noticed about her- was how genuinely well put together she was. She looked like a lady. Her fingers laced in rings, wrists with bracelets and bangles. She wore a light purple button down, with a dark red waistcoat, with a long flowing skirt, the same colour as her shirt, her shoes were a polished black, with buckles at the sides. 

"Oh my darling! What ever is the matter?" She fawned over me. 

"The Gaunt party." Mr Hill daunted. 

"No!" She gasped. 

"They only told me afew days ago- then I found out last night- that if I miss the carriage, I can't go. My friend is very dear to me- he was the one who invited me." I finally recomposed myself. Straightening up. But Mr Hill was out of sight, as I saw him lock his door, and pull the curtains shut, as he sectioned off his shop from the intentioned one across the way. 

"A fashion emergency indeed- Rosie! Get the silks- the measurements- and I'll make the tea!" Mr Hill seemed to be profusely sweating now. He even took off his coat, and rolled up his sleeves, as he flicked his wand, and a tea set started abruptly shaking around like a bomb, as sugar cubes appeared from thin air. 

"Don't you worry lovely. We'll get this all straightened out." Rosie assured me, which I found a comfort in. 

She measured me up, as she fitted me in a corset, as she put a rather quare contraption around me, like a set of hoops? A hoop skirt? This was too much, as I told her that, as she then rummaged in drawers, and stuck me into a petticoat. 

"Now, if you'll be dancing- and you're not a regular at it, the hoop skirt is good for breathing room, but if you don't know how to, best not to, you don't want an embarrassment- but you must dance at least once! Or you'd be insulting the house master. This petticoat will be warmer, but it'll be more comfortable than a hoop and a corset, best to only use one in this case. Now if we match a let's say either a dark blue or green, with some silver, now we're talking-"

Rosie rambled on, I just nodded, and pretended like I understood. Rosie began cutting fabrics, and worked on a mannequin. I just sat there, drinking tea, in my undergarments, whilst Mr Hill was taking pencil to parchment like a crazed man. 

"Now if we pull the corset like this, it'll enhance the bust, but for modesty, we'll add a shawl, with some loose sleeves- drooping ones- Rosie- what do you think? And if we take away all those unnecessary ruffles- we have something- something striking- dangerous- but pleasantly eye pleasing- yes the Gaunts would love that. A dark blue would be best in this situation, their family usually wears a darker green- we wouldn't want a clash- then again if you are courting- yes- perfect!" 

"Wait- Courting!?" But my shouts were to silence with them. Rosie nodded eagerly. Before I knew it, the corset was pulled on, tight. I was stuck in the petticoat again, as Mr Hill began measuring again. They were both in their best element. After around two hours of my sitting there. I was pulled into a beautiful dress. 

"Drop the hem more and it's perfect, now- shoes- shoes... Shoes?" Mr Hill talked to himself more, as Rosie flicked her wand as the hem of the dress dropped slightly more. I didn't care how much this would cost me, every galleon, Knut, and sickle would be worth it. Eventually, they finished the dress on me. Mr Hill had gone off somewhere, as Rosie was adorning me in jewellery, as she found me a fan to match my dress. 

Mr Hill, eventually arrived back, with a scared looking Madame Snelling. "Oh great heavens!" She exclaimed, as they now began to fuss over my hair. Rosie found me some black heels too, that made me around four inches taller. Which I quite liked. 

Before I knew it, Madame Snelling had done my hair perfectly, as she then left once more. 

"May I see your wand?" Mr Hill asked softly, I slowly nodded, almost hesitant to give it to him, but I did anyways. He lifted the wand high, then stuck it down upon me. 

"Exui!" He exclaimed, as I felt like I was being peeled, like a plaster from a wound.

"Owch!" I hissed, rubbing my arms and skin. I then looked down at my hands and arms, I was back to the clothes I arrived in. Mr Hill then handed me back my wand smiling. 

"We've done all we can do- now, to put the dress on, simply point the wand on yourself and say. Indutus." He beamed. This man and his daughter were geniuses. I practiced the spell, and received an applaud. I then redressed myself to my normal clothes, gave them my endless thanks, paid, what was an amazing price, only seven thousand galleons for all of their hard work. As I exited the shop, Rosie grabbed me, putting a small perfume bottle in my hand. Pulled me close, and whispered. 

"Put this on you, when you arrive, not before, only when you arrive- don't tell my father I gave you this- please." By the time she had finished, I went to speak up, but she was gone. As I went off, back to the castle, attempting to mentally prepare myself. 

It came to thought who else would be going, Sebastian perhaps? Then it stuck me, Professor Black would be going. How was I going to tell the Gaunts I was a Slytherin when I wasn't? He would tell them. 

I was fucked. 

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