Chapter 24: Night Duty

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11 o'clock eventually rolled around. As I got up from the fire, telling Garreth I'd see him later, as I pulled on my robes and headed out to my first night of prefect duty. I made my way down to the bell tower courtyard. It was dark, so I flicked my wand for light. I brushed my hair behind my ear, looking around the empty corridors. I could feel the wind beginning to brush over me. I was technically outside after all. 

A silhouette in the darkness. I ventured closer, my heart eased as it was only Ominis. His wand was held aloft, but unlit. 

"Been here long?" I called out to him, as he turned to face my general direction. He looked exhausted. 

"I've been here for quite some time, I had forgotten how annoying the first years can be. I just told them about the mermaids." Ominis muttered, as I noticed he started walking as I followed. 

"Mermaids? What of them?" I gandered the thought. 

Ominis gave a small smile. Something I hadn't seen in quite some time from him. "Anne and I often took to teasing the first years on. I fear I've grown rather tired of jokes to that liking in recent weeks." His words started with a warmth, but rolled bitterly from his tongue as they ended. My eyes looked to his hand which was holding his wand. It seemed to be a sort of scald or burn, in turn they had began to blister and cut him. Noticing a small line around his wand, which looked as if it was broken in two places, and then mended. I couldn't hold back my questions. 

"Ominis- what happened to you? After I got out of hospital?" I asked, as now we were in the courtyard, a breeze brushed through the trees, as began making our way to the herbology classrooms. Ominis didn't answer for a moment. He seemed deep in thought. 

"My father threw a fit when he heard what had happened to you. How I failed to protect you, in my failure, I was posed as weak. I'm sure you know what my father thinks of weakness. So- in turn, he demanded I go back home. In which Demios and Castor tried taking my wand. It started as something small. Simply trying to snatch it from me, but it turned cruel quickly. One of them took my wand right from my hands, tripping me, as I fell on my hands and knees into a boiling pool of water they conjured to burn me. My father didn't care. I was... I was useless without my wand. I was lucky I knew the halls and rooms of my home so well. I could get around okay, but it wasn't without struggle."

I took a deep breath. Clenching my wand as we walked. "Did Corvus do anything to stop it?"

"Him? His own wife is on the brink of death, he's been away fixing up his affairs. Apparently he's already planned his next wife. My mother refuses to even speak to me. My father only talks of you. Whilst my brothers take in turn to haunt me. I genuinely fear now that- a life without you would be impossible now." Ominis' jaw clenched, as we made our way down a set of steps. "I'm so- I'm so sorry. For everything (Y/N). I only intended this to be something to please my father at the ball. Not forever. I think he fears no one else will have me." His face went blank again, as his eyes were lingering on the ground, as we leaned upon an ivy wall by one of the classrooms. 

My heart, welled in that moment. 

How could I have been so cruel? 

He probably only said those insane things about my being his because he was scared. But I knew Ominis well enough to know that he was no coward. Perhaps easily frightened, but no coward. His hair had gotten longer over the summer- and rougher. It wasn't slicked to perfection like it always was. Some strands even fell over his eyes in a way. I lifted my hand, brushing the hair from his face. He was startled by my touch, as his face snapped to my direction. 

How could I have been so negligent of him? 

Would it be that bad? 

To be engaged to Ominis Gaunt? 

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