chapter 16

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Ever since the announcement of the attack on the Longbottoms, tensions have been even higher on The Marauder.  Everyone was urgent to get this war over and ended with. They wanted to make sure no one else died. They needed this war to end and they needed the war to end soon. 

Peter had been put in charge of making sure Lily and the baby she was growing was safe and comforty. Lily hated it. She didn't need to be weighted on hand and foot. Sure she's pregnant but that doesn't mean she can't do anything. She's a goddamn queen. She can do what she likes. 

So Lily had taken up hiding from Peter and James while also reading Remus books, using Sirius products and training herself to fight with a knife.

Remus was spending even more time in the sea. He was trying to find clues to where the black ship may be in the water. He was also trying to find other sea creatures that could help them fight this war. But the main reason he was in the sea was to avoid the arguments and fights that would come about from being around Sirius.

Well you see ever since the announcement, Sirius and James had been going to every island they could find. They had been stocking up on supplies and finding treasure. Doing anything that will help win this war but also help them have fun.  However the last one they went to was a trap, tons of black ship members attacked Sirius and James leaving them badly injured. But it was if the black members knew Sirius and James would be there, like someone tipped them off. So from that moment, every marauder believed there was a spy on the ship.  Sirius thought it was Remus and Remus thought it was Sirius. Peter thought it was Sirius too and James thought it was Remus. So the ship was at war with itself over who's the spy and Lily was stuck in the middle. 


It's been 2 months since the announcement of the Longbottom attack which means Lily is now 9 months pregnant. 


and well when you're 9 months pregnant, the baby wants to get out. Even if you are in the middle of the sea. 


Lily had been in labour for the last 2 days and active labour for the last two hours so the baby could be here any minute. 

"I am pushing Remus!" 

Everyone was tired and fed up. They just wanted the baby to be out and here now.  

"If you tell me, to breath one more time Black so God help you"  

Everyone was so fed up that Remus had to click James, Sirius and Peter onto the deck so he could help Lily deliver her baby. James, Sirius and Peter spent another two hours on deck listening to Lily's screams until they finally heard the cry of a newborn baby.  "Congrats mate you're a dad" Sirius said to James before Remus let them come down to see Lily and the baby. The baby had beautiful raven black hair like James but had piercing green eyes like Lily. Most of him looked like James though. 

"His name is Harry James Potter," Lily said, holding the baby close. James smiled and sat next to his wife and the baby. He kisses the baby's head. Sirius pulls a tie out of his pocket, a tie that matches the one all the marauders are wearing. "This is for Harry. He is already part of the marauders so he needs his own tie" he said as he placed the tie on Harry's blanket. Lily yawned slightly so James picks up Harry. "Lets leave Lily to rest. We can celebrate harry upstairs". So the marauders all went upstairs with Harry. 

The celebration of Harry's birth lasted 7 whole days. Lily joined them in the celebration on the second day, despite Remus tell her she shouldn't walk yet. The celebration was a lot of fun. Everyone but lily and Peter got drunk. They set up the nursery room again. It was all a lot of fun. They all forgot about the war and was free from the battles. They were just having fun. No one wanted the celebration to end. But it did end. The way it ended was …… welll let me just show you. 

Remus was sitting on the edge of the ship, about to jump into the sea. Lily was standing next to him, holding harry and Remus's cane while James and Sirius were sobbering up. Peter was who no where. "Be careful Remus" lily said "i know you do this every month but …. You're an uncle now Remus so please be careful". Remus nods "i will lily. You protec' dose dummies over dere" he says before diving into the water. As soon as he touched the water, there was a blinding light and he was gone. 

Lily was just about to turn back to her drunk bimbos when she noticed something. 


James and Sirius quickly rushed over and noticed it to. 

"We have to help them." 

"We will Lils. Sirius, go get Peter. And we will go' 

"Eye eye Captain" 

Sirius drunkenly runs off and lily raises an eyebrow at James. "Oh no you don't. You three aren't leaving me here. Peter can watch Harry. You two are too drunk. I'm coming. You and Sirius are useless in this condition. No buts". James had no choice but to allow her so the three left Peter with Harry and got in the rowboat and left. 

You see what Lily saw was a ship under attack by a bunch of sirens.  Lily knew James and Sirius were going to be no help whatsoever so she told them to try and get siren Remus's attention before sneaking onto the ship to save the people on the ship. But she near as soon as she stepped on bored that was not going to happen. She was quickly surrounded by four sirens. 

"Oh little girl. Did the stupid boys leave you alone to deal with us while they played with the water? Oh poor girl."

"I think theres been some confusion. I'm not the one on trouble here" 


"There's only four of you. You'll need more than that" 

Lily suddenly grabs her knife and attacks all the sirens. Taken them all down one by one, killing them all with her small knife. She smirks as she puts her inife away and hears shouring from the sea, knowing Remus was no fighting ths other sirens. "Yeah i suspected that might happen" lily says before going back to the row boat. "The two boys in the boat are alreadu dead. The sirens killed them" lily said as she sits down and starts rowing back to the ship.  James was in awe. "I think i know why McDonald loved her now" he mumbled to himself. Remus had disapeared back into the sea that was turning red now without saying bye. Lily hoped he wasn't hurt. Sirius thought he planned this.  

When they got back to the ship, everyone was brought to shocked view. Right there in the middle of the ship was a knocksd out Peter Pettigrew who was covered in bruises. Next him laied a laughing harry. Lily rushed over to her son to make sure he was ok while Sirius and James rushed over to Peter to see a leter pinned on his chest.

"Lily you might want to see this" 

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