chapter 12

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You must be wondering why Dorcas decided the wedding would be the next morning, aka 24 hours later, when she was so desperate to get revenge on the black ship for killing Marlene McKinnon, HER FRICKIN GIRLFRIEND, and Marlene's family. So you would think they'd have the wedding right then so the two pirate crews would set off for revenge. But Dorcas had reasons for choosing 24 hours later. 

Reason number 1 was because Remus had to go get a marriage certificate for Alice and Frank so the wedding would be legal on Land and Remus wasn't able to finally get the legal copy and get back to the ship before 4am. 

Reason number 2 was because Dorcas didn't want to leave the pub a disgrace with glass everywhere so she had Mary, Frank and Alice cleaning it. 

Reason number 3 was because the town needed help for cleaning up so Peter and Sirius helped clean the town and get people help.

Reason number 4 was because the Vixen ship needed a bit of cleaning so they could set sail and so Alice and Frank could get married on it, so James and Lily cleaned up the ship.

Reason number 5 was the final reason. Dorcas was sorting out what was going to happen with Marlene's body. She had made the decision to bury her after the wedding in a graveyard next to the harbour.  

So the wedding was happening the next morning or the wedding was happening right now as it has been 24 hours since that announcement. 

Everyone was on the Vixen ship. Remus was standing at the front with Frank standing in front of him. The rest of the marauders stood on the right side where Frank's family would have stood if they were invited. Lily and Alice were in the captain's office. Dorcas and Mary were on the left hand side as if they were Alice's family. Everyone turns their head to face the office as Alice and Lily walk out of it. They were in their normal clothes but Lily had found a lace sheet and Alice was wearing it on her head as a vail. Everyone claps as they walk to the front of the ship. Alice stands across from Frank as Lily stands with Mary. 

And that's how the wedding began. 

"We are gat'ered here t'oday t' witness thee wedding of Alice Fortescue to Frank Longbo'om. As legal wi'ness we go' Lily Evans, Mary McDonald, Dorcas Meadows, James Po'er, Sirius Black and Pe'er Pe'igrew. I, Remus Lupin, will be officia'e the wedding with the power invest'ed in me as a crea'ure of the sea. Good now thats over with. Le's ge' ont' the less boring stuff" 

Remus did a less boring and shorter version of the speeches that take place when you go to a wedding because they were so boring. So they quickly got to the vows.  

 "please repea' af'er me. I, Frank Longbo'om, 'ake you, Alice Fortescue, t' be my wife, t' have and t' hold, from this day forward, for be'er for worse, for ric'er, for poower, in sickness and in health, t' love and cherish always. T' death do we par' " 

"I, Frank Longbottom, take you, Alice Fortescue, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish always. To death do we part" 

Frank places the ring on Alice's Finger. 

 " I, Alice Fortescue, 'ake you, Frank Longbo'om, t' be my husband, t' have and t' hold, from this day forward, for be'er for worse, for ric'er, for poower, in sickness and in health, t' love and cherish always. T' death do we par' "

 "I, Alice Fortescue, take you, Frank Longbottom, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish always. To death do we part" 

Alice places the ring of Frank's finger. 

"Frank longbo'om, Do ya 'ake Alice Fortescue t' be ya wedded wife?" 

"I do" 

"Alice Fortescue, Do ya 'ake Frank Longbo'om t' be ya wedded husband?"

"I do" 

"Please sign this form" 

The both quickly sign the wedding certificate.  

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss de bride" 

Frank and Alice kiss as everyone cheers.

As the room filled with people congratulating the new happy couple, they realise Peter and Dorcas were missing. The gangs quickly look aroumd the ship for the missing crew members when they hear "no not you. You fucker!" followed by an ear spliting scream. 

Everyone rushes to wear they heard the sound from (aka on land around the back of the ship). They all gasp in shock at what they saw. 

Peter was on his knees, hyperventilating and crying. "I-i found her like this. T-they got her" he managed to stutter out. "Oh you poor thing" Mary pulls him into a hug while also hiding her face from seeing Dorcas's body. Laying on the floor in front of them was Dorcas's dead body with a black black sticking all the way through her chest and heart. Frank brings Alice into a hug and holds her close to comfort her as James pulls Lily into a hug while lily was mumbling "w-we lost two friends in just over 24 hours". 

"We should tell her family. Does anyone know hos to contact them?" Sirius asked looking around. Mary sniffed and looked at the boys before answering "Dorcas doesn't have a birth family. She was taken at 5 as part of the slave trade. She was a slave on a boat but at 15 that boat was attacked and Marlene's family saved her. Us three are all she has left" 

There was silence. 

No one knew what to say or do. 

How do you deal with this? 

Finally Remus spoke up "We should burry her with Marlene. They would want to be burried together and Dorcas was burying Marlene straight after the wedding in that grave yard". 

Everyone agrees so when the time set for Marlene's burial, they buried Dorcas at the same time without anyone noticing. 

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