chapter 9

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Peter shrinks into himself, feeling intimidated. The black brothers sit up straight and look straight at the girls but they don't say anything. Remus didn't move at all. Like he wasn't affected by what was going on at all. He carried on drinking his beer. James was the one speaking "i'm sorry but have we done something wrong?". The blond haired girl glared at him. 

"Shut ya gob" 

"Marlene, be nice" 

"Fine lily" 

But James shut up anyway. James took a look at all the girls. 

There was the bartender they met earlier, Alice. Then there was the amazing singer, Lily Evans. He now knew the blond girl was called Marlene. But he didn't know anything about the last two girls. 

Suddenly one of the two girls grabbed Remus's face and had a look at his face then let go. "what happened, Hun? You have more scars. Have you not tried the tips I gave you before you disappeared on us?" This woman was a woman of colour but she had a lighter skin tone than the last woman who was also a woman of colour but dark skinned. She had afro Black hair half tied uo to keep out of her eyes and brown eyes. She was wearing an off the shoulder baggy cream shirt, a material coloured belts and a striped grey and black skirt with black heeled boots. "No'ing happened, Mary. Can' use ya tips when in de middle of de sea can ya? Nar give me ma beer?" So this woman's name was Marry, james noted on his brain.

"No you can't have ya beer back until we get answers, ya cunt" 

James was flabbergasted by what Marlene called Remus when Remus spoke up "wouldn' you like to know, bitch? Go' myself a pira' crew" 

James, Regulus, Sirius and Peter were in shock. They had never met this woman and she was talking to their friend like this and they had never heard Remus talk like this before. What was happening?. Suddenly Lily spoke up "Why don't we all introduce ourselves to Remus's new friends before we question Remus?" 

So they did. 

"I'm Alice Fortescue. I'm one of the main bartenders with my boyfriend Frank Longbottom who's over at the bar washing pots." 

A boy at the bar with fluffy brown hair waved before going back to cleaning. He was wearing a black shirt and patchwork trousers with a black lace waistcoat, a mini white apron and a knife holder. 

"I'm Lily Evans. I'm the singer as I think you guessed. " 

"I'm Captain Marlene McKinnon. I own this tavern and these girls are part of my pirate crew. So if you get handsy, i will cut off your jiggling bone" 

"I'm Mary McDonald. I created all our famous clothes and I decorated this place." 

"I'm Dorcas Meadows. First mate and assistant-owner of this place" 

Just like I said earlier, Dorcas was darked skinned with brown eyes and dark brown hair in braids tied into a bun. She was wearing a brown skirt and A white shirt with A brown patchwork waistcoat. She was wearing so many black belts as well as a sword holder and a chain belt. Dorcas also wore a chain necklace and chain earrings.  

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Captain James Potter. This is my first mate Sirius Black. This is his brother, Regulus Black. This is Peter Pettigrew and for some reason you all already know Remus'' James said pointing to each person he introduced until he got to Remus. The girls nod towards him before they all suddenly glare at Remus at the same time and said a ton of different things at the same time. 

"Why did you disappear on us?" 

"5 months no contact. You are going to regret that" 

"Do they know?"  

"How have you been dealing with everything?" 

"Where have those scars come from?" 

"Are you ready for tonight?"

That's when Sirius spoke up in confusion "what are you guys on about? What's happening tonight? Moony, what are they on about?". 

Remus sighs "t'anks. Hadn't 'old them ye'"

"Sorry Remus" 

" 'ts fine lils" 

"Told us what mate"

The girls all grab a chair as Remus finally opens up to the marauders. "I'm….. I'm a siren.  Well half siren. I wasn't born a siren. I got turned with magic by Fenrir Greyback. Anyway I'm a siren. And on full moons, i have to be in water cause i turn into my siren form" 

The gang was silent for a while before James said "alright cool. You're still the Remus we know and love". Remus sighs in relief until Regulus says "isn't the full moon tonight?" (Which Remus nodded to) and Peter asked "but i thought all sirens were girls?". Remus suddenly became all nervous as he laughed off "y-yeah strange". But the guys quickly waved off as if it was because Remus was only a half siren. 

"Ya better be going Remus. It's getting late" 

"Shi' " 

"Remu- and he's already gone. For a guy with a limp, he walks fast" 

Lily rolls her eyes and slowly stands up. "Now I'm going to sort out the spare bedrooms for you four. We only have two i'm afraid so you'll have to share" she dusted herself off. James tried to deny that they needed rooms for the night, they could just sleep on their ship but Lily waved him off "no you and your reminding crew are staying here at least until Remus is back. I want to make sure he is looking after himself the morning after."  Alice stands up slowly and walks over to Frank "We better be going, we are having tea at Frank's mums. Bye guys". So Frank and Alice left. 

"So now there's just us three and you stupid boys" Dorcas said, learning forward and glaring at the boys (Peter for the longest). Peter swerms in his seat but James, Sirius and Regulus stayed still even though on the inside they wanted to hide from that glare.   "So what's the gossip? Tell us about yourselves. Got any girlfriends? Partners? How much has Remus told you about us? How much has Remus told you about himself? What's your guy's deal" Mary said, very entertained by their lives and the gossip.  "We don't have to tell you anything" Sirius said glaring back at Dorcas before taking a sip of his drink. Marlene smirked, "are you enjoying your drinks?" The others pulled a face but Regulus knew straight away what she meant. "Veritaserum? You put Veritaserum in our drinks?" At the marauders confusion looks, Regulus continues "it's a truth serum that's hard to make only very very experienced and talented Potioners can make it. It'll make you answer honestly to any question". Mary smiled at them before saying "Let's just say our beautiful Lillypad has a way with potions and the potion will have kicked in now. So Gossip time" 

And with that the marauders and Regulus answered all the questions from before, before being sent to bed. 

Captain James Potter and The marauders Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora