chapter 15

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When the group got on The Marauder and decided to set sail together to win this pirate war, they didn't really think things through.

First off, non of them know anything about war or pirates battles. Sure Sirius had lessons on it when he was a member of the black ship but he never listened or payed attention. The Potter ship never agreed with battles or wars so James was only ever taught how to sword fight if he was attacked like that. Lily's only been a pirate for just over a year. She knew nothing about wars and battles. Remus wasn't raised as a pirate. He knew no pirate customers, he hardly knew his dad's navy fighting skills since he was only with him from age 9 to 15. Peter, on the other hand, knew how to survive in war but he was to timid to actually fight.

Second off, they didn't know where the black ship was or who the new Captian was. So they couldn't attack if they wanted to.

So the marauders and Lily were stuck. Well not really stuck, jusy stuck on what to do. They had to keep moving though. If they stayed in one place, they would be found and attacked by the black ship or one of their many gangs so the marauders needed to keep moving. They needed to think of a plan on how they were going to win this war. But they had been drifting across the sea for 7 nearly 8 months now and they were all fed up and hungry.

Everyone was stressed.

Everyone was at each other's throats.

Tensions were high.

Everyone was arguing about everything. Over every tiny detail. Sirius and Remus were the worst of it.

When people weren't arguing, they were alone. Remus had started spending more and more time in the water. It might hurt his joints but at least he is away from the arguing and he might be able to find out some info. Peter spends most of his time in his room writing who knows what. James and Lily spent most of their time on deck together or in each other's rooms. Sirius spent most of his time looking for treasure maps.

The biggest fight of all happened at the beginning of the 4th month. The argument that was coursing most of this split.

You see Lily had been getting sick a lot and she had gained a bit of weight. And well when that starts to happen, people catch on very quickly. Even if the people you are talking about are Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. So it was getting hard for James and Lily to hide some things. And well ...... I'll let a flashback tell you what happened.


Lily was leaning over the side of the ship throwing up the contents of her stomach. James was holding her hair out of the way while rubbing her back. Lily had run away from the dining area as Peter and given them all eggs for breakfast and smell had made Lily feel sick. Sirius and Peter had ran after those two trying to find out what's wrong, leaving Remus to limp after them. So by the time Remus got up there, Lily had finished throwing up and was leaning into James's hold. Remus sighs, working out what's happened and sits down on a bench to read.

"Are you ok, Lily?" Peter asks as Lily stands up and wipes herself off. "I'm completely fine, Peter. The smell of the eggs just didn't agree with me. You guys can go back to eating your eggs. I'm going to find some else to eat. Oh do we have any pickles?" Lily said to Peter but Peter just shrugs. Sirius tilts his head like a lost puppy as he says "you just threw up and now you are off to eat pickles. God you're worse than a pregnant woman". Lily awkwardly laughs it off as she looks at James nervously.

"You're pregnant aren't you? Who got you pregnant? I thought you liked ladies. Your not even married so who got you pregnant"

"Well she is married, padfoo'. I married her the nigh' we se' off" Remus mumbled from behind his book. "Congra', Lily, James. Now I'm off t' bleeding reed. So leave me de fuck alone" and with that Remus goes to his room.

James back's up slightly as Sirius snapes his head towards him. "You married lily the same day we found out Regulus was dead? The so-called love of your life was dead? And to grieve you decide to marry the first woman who allows you to and you put her in the family way the first chance you get?"

"Sirius, mate. The last thing Regulus said to me was to find someone to have children with if he doesn't come back. Regulus is still the love of my life. Me and Lily only married as friends. We got married because we both want to be parents and this war means we might die young. So we ."



James ran off as Sirius pounced after him.


Peter spent the rest of the day making sure Sirius didn't kill James but from then James and Sirius haven't been alone together.

Anyway right now, James was steering the ship as Lily (who is 6 nearly 7 months pregnant) was soaking her ankles in a box of salt water. Well she was until a bird flew over, dropped a letter on her lap and flew off.

"What's that Lily?"

"Its a letter from Frank's mother"

"Oh what does it say"

"Dear Lily Potter. ....... James get the others up here they need to hear this"

So James quickly got everyone on deck to listen to the letter.

'Dear Lily Potter,
This letter is only a letter of information. If you weren't a friend of my son as well as my daughter in law, I wouldn't tell you this.

3 months after you left, Frank was able to rebuild the tavern and get it running again.

2 months ago, my daughter in law gave birth to my grandson, Neville Longbottom. He is a swamy lad.

Last night, the tavern was attacked by 4 members of the black pirate ship. Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. They attacked my son and My daughter in Law leaving them insane. I have put them in the mental hospital. Neville is now in my care. You will never meet him.

Lady Longbottom'

No one said anything for a while before Remus pulled Lilly into a hug as Lily started crying. The other boys left them in the comfort of each other over the loss of two more of their friends.

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