chapter 13

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After the funeral, the two groups slowly headed back to the tavern. They needed to decide what to do now. They had lost two captian's and a crew mate to the Black ship in the span of two days. There was only 3 members of the vixen crew left and one of them was going to have a baby soon and doesn't want to go sailing again untill the ship is 5 months old. So that just leaves two and a pirate crew of two is no good. The two groups needed to decide what they were going to do and the tavern was the best place to decide this. 

But boy were they wrong. 

The two crews weren't even half way back to the tavern when they realised something terribly wrong was happening. As soon as they realised, everyone started running back to the tavern. Well everyone but Alice (who's not allowed to run) and Remus (who can't run because of his knee)

You see the tavern had been destroyed. The windows and doors were smashed in. Glasses were smashed everywhere. Tables and chairs broken apart. Curtains and materials all ripped to shreds. On the roof was the mark everyone had seen tattooed onto Regulus's left arm. The place was destroyed.  

"Who would do this? On today of all days!" Mary shouted when they arrived outside but as she did, Severus's gang walked out of the tavern. James, Peter, Remus, Frank, Sirius and even Alice all grabbed their swords/knives as soon as they saw them. Mary grabbed lily to stop her from doing something she'll regret.  As soon as all Snape's gang was out of the traven, their was a huge bang and the building collapsed in on itself.  

"Well, We meet Again. Did you like the present we left yo-"

"Why would you do this!"

Lily pulls herself out of Mary's hold as she cuts Severus off. Everyone watches, ready to fight as Severus and Lily argue. 

"Oh Lily. I did this for you. " 

"You did this for me. You killed my friends and captains for me. How sick are you?"

"Meadows was killed by our new captian and his son, she was just in our way but i killed McKinnon for you, my dear. Mckinnon wouldn't let me come talk to you. Also she weas only holding you back from your full potential. Yes you hace a pretty voice but you could be so much more than that, my lo-" 

"Don't call me that. I'm not your love. I'm not your anything. Im not even your friend anymore. You tarnished all that when you joined the black ship. Then you make things worse by killinf Marlene and Dorcas by family and act like they are just collateral damage. You are a monster and you don't mean anything to me"  

Severus slowly holds lily's cheeck and pushes her hair out of the way.

"But Lily, your my love. We belong together. I can give you everything you ever wanted. I can give you the power you want. I can kill your sister and her land lover of a husband for you. You could have everything you ever wanted. You just need to marry me, lily" 

Lily wacks Severus's hand away. 

"ARE YOU REALLY THAT SICK THAT YOU KILL MY FRIENDS AND ASK ME TO MARRY YOU? you are deranged. I will never marry you Severus Snape." 

"Then you are now officially an enemy of the black ship and I can no longer protect you from the black ship. You and all your…… friends will be murdered. You have started an official pirate war. "


Everyone stoped and staired at James who just shouted. 

"No. We can't be at war. You broke your end of the deal. You said if Regulus went back to the black ship, no one else would die. Regulus went back. So no one else should die" 

The gang just laugh as one of the other gang members, Radoplhus, steps forward and speaks "oh but dear old Regulus didn't hold up his deal. Sure he came back but within five minutes of being on the ship, he posioned Welburga and Orion Black, killing his parents. We court him before he got back to you and made him walk the plank. The sirens grabbed hold of him and drowned him. Regulus is no more so the deal is no more. The new Captian and hid family agree with War so we are at war with you"  James stumbles back in shock and muffled a cry as Sirius saw red. Remus and Frank had to grab him to stop him from murdering Rodolphus there and then. Severus goes up to lilly and pulls her into a massive kiss before pulling away and saying  "you'll regret not join me, lily. You would have had an amazing life as my wife. I know much you want to be a mother but now you'll die young and childless" before the whole gang disapeared

Captain James Potter and The marauders حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن