chapter 8

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Note: I know its a modern christian song but pretend its a sea chanty/ pirate song from 1700

Remus didn't even wait for the others to respond. He just started limping off. He was heading over to the shiping side town where there were a ton of different buildings (mostly shops though). Remus looked more in pain than usual and his limp was much worse. James just thought it was because Remus had been walking around all day so didn't question it. The remaining four looked at each other, still confused on where Remus appeared from, before quickly following after him. "Hey Remus, wait up with your long legs!" Sirius yelled as they all rushed after Remus. 

The building area was less busy than the market but that didn't mean that they didn't bump into people. A lot of people in this area of the sea front were tipsy or drunk so they were bumping into a lot of people. James, Regulus, Sirius and Peter all tried to get by people without pushing them over or knocking into them or getting people angry but Remus was just walking straight through the crowd and people were jumping out of the way like Remus had the plague or something. 

Soon the group arrived at a tavern with the words 'The Vixens' written on the front. James was confused at first on why they stopped outside this building when Remus suddenly limped inside. So the gang quickly followed afterwards. 

The inside of the tavern was beautiful but busy. This tavern wasn't like normal taverns. Sure it was made of wood and there were wooden pillows holding everything up but everything was decorated. It was beautiful. The walls were painted a beautiful sea colour. The ceiling was covered in plants. The bar area was massive and showed off all the different types of ails, beers and wines they were selling. One area of the taven had a stage. Around the floor were different tables and seating areas. All together the place was very lively and lovely.   

Remus limped over to a table near the stage but also hidden by the shadow and made the group sit down before limping over to the bar. The table they were sitting at, made it so the whole group was facing the stage. Regulus and James sat next to each other. Sirius sat next to James and Peter next to Regulus leaving a seat next to Sirius for Remus. "What is this place?" Regulus asked, looking around. "I don't know but it sure is popular" Peter said, looking around at the crowds.  "Should we find a less busy tavern?..... pads what are you lo— is Remus flirting?" As soon as James said that everyone looked towards the bar (where Sirius was already looking).  "I have never seen him look so calm and at home, '' Peter said.  "Is Sirius ok? He looks like he just saw our mother, '' Regulus said to James who waved a hand in front of Sirius's face. "Shut up. I'm trying to listen to the flirting" they all quickly shut up and listened.  

"Will ya be a lovely lass and bring em t' ma 'able?" 

"The usual?" 

"Ya know me so well" 

"Right. I'll bring them over. Go take a seat" 

And with that Remus limped back with the bar maid following her.  The barmaid was plus sized with curly short brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a tight leather pants and a red corset over a white long sleeved shirt (that's not buttoned). On her feet were Black boots and in her hair was a red bandana. The rest and the gang quickly look away to pretend like they hadn't been watching Remus and this lady. 

Remus slowly sat down next to Sirius as the barmaid put the drinks on the table. Just as she was about to leave, Remus called out "oi is she on tonigh'?". The lady nodded and said "of course she is Remus" before walking away. Remus smiled slightly and took a sip of his drink when Sirius couldn't hold it any more.

 "Who was that and why were you flirting with her? Who are you on about and how do you know this place" 

"Oh tha' was Alice. She's an old friend. We weren' flir'ing. She's someone's girl. You'll find ou' soon"  

With that the group fell silent as a blond curly haired girl wearing grey trousers and  white blouse (mostly un buttoned, showing off her bar) with Black below the knee boots, a black waist corset and a head scarf holding her hair out of the way walked on to the stage and made an announcement "welcome ya miserable Sods to the Vixen Tavern. The reason you're all here is about to come on stage so get your drinks and money ready for LILY EVANS!" before walking off the stage. 

"Who's Lily eva- wow" 

James and Regulus' eyes widened in amazement and wonder as the woman walked onto stage. She had fluffy red hair down to her shoulders and green eyes. She wore a beautiful green dress that hung off the side of her shoulders with a black underboob corset. The dress went to her ankles at the back and to her knees at the front, showing off her knee high black heeled boots. Around her neck was black necklace. "This must be the lily Evans the blond girl mentioned" Peter said but it fell on deaf ears because Lily started singing. 

"There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down, oh lei oh lai oh Lord

James and Regulus were memorised by her singing. Peter and Sirius were bobbing along. Remus was acting like he had heard this song a million times before. He even sang along to the next part with the rest of the crowd.

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord"

"He will tear your city down,

"oh lei oh lai oh Lord"

James and Regulus watched as Lily danced across the stage while singing. Remus chuckled slightly seeing how hooked they were. 

"There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word
He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei oh lai oh Lord" 

Peter joined Remus in singing this time. 

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord" 

"He will slay you with His tongue,"

"oh lei oh lai oh Lord"

Lily was amazing. Her voice was angelic and beautiful. James and Regulus and heard nothing like it before. 

"There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei oh lai oh Lord" 

Sirius joined in singing this time. 

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord" 

"Smeared with oil like David's boy,"

"oh lei oh lai oh Lord" 

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
He will tear your city down, oh lei oh lai... oh" 

James and Regulus finally snapped out of their state and started singing and dancing along to. 

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh" 

As this song finishes, the whole tavern cheered and everyone chanting for more so Lily started a new song. The gang spent the rest of the night getting drunk and singing along to all the sea shanties. It was an amazing night.

As the blond lady from earlier called out "Right, all you miserable sods need to get out now. Its 1am. The tavern is closing" the tavern empties out. James, Regulus, Sirius and Peter quickly finished their drinks and headed to leave. But Remus stayed in his seat slowly drinking his drink.  

But Alice shuts the door before they can get out and Lily points to their chairs and says "Sit". The guys quickly sit down in their seats thinking they're in trouble as 5 women stand around their table.  

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