chapter 10

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The night slowly turned to the day as: 

 the moon light turning into sunlight 

the birds woke up and started singing 

Everyone in the pub slowly woke up. 

The fiery light of the night turned into …. The    fiery      light     of day

The streets filled with….. Screams

Wait what? That’s not meant to happen. The dark night sky was might to turn into the nice suny daylight, there wasn’t meant to be any fiery light. The streets most definitely not meant to be filled with screams, the streets were meant to be filled with chatter as people head back to their ships or do the walk of shame or head to school but there weren’t meant to be screams. 


Back at the vixen tavern, James, Sirius, Peter, Regulus, Lily and Mary were being rudely awakened by a heart wrenching scream outside the front doors.  They all shot up and rushed down stairs (all still in their PJ’s with their swords in their hands) to see Dorcas fully dressed stood at the door with the door wide open. They all rushed over to sea what happened but they quickly rejected doing that. Peter rushed to the bin and threw up. Mary staggered backwards, tears rolling down her face. “Oh God” James mumbled. Lily brings Dorcas into a hug while also crying herself. Regulus just froze, unsure of what to do or how to react. Sirius was filled with anger, his hands balled into fists but he stayed still. 

You see the view they all saw from the doorway is a view you never want to see in your life. Nearly every building and all the market stolls were on fire burning to a crisp or already burnt down to the ground. The boats on the harbour were also burning. All over the streets were blood and dead bodies. It was horrific. But the worst part of it all was on the doorstep to the tavern right next to Alice who was kneeling with tears covering her face with blood on her hands (and Frank was stood behind her). Right at her knees was the worst part.

The body of Marlene Mckinnon was lying there.

Marlene Mckinnon’s body was laying in a way that made it look like most of her bones were broken.

Marlene Mckinnon’s body was covered in blood. 

Marlene Mckinnon’s body was covered in cuts.

Marlene Mckinnon’s clothes were ripped all over but mainly in very bad places. (making her look half naked)

Marlene Mckinnion’s body had a knife shoved in her chest with a note attached. 

Marlene Mckinnion was dead. 

James quickly bent down and grabbed the note before reading the letter out loud. 

“We told you we would be back to get revenge. So Either Regulus Black returns to the black ship or we start killing more of you until only Regulus is left. The deaths will get more brutal. Regulus you have two days to get back - SS”

Regulus’s face drops as he hears everything on the letter but he froze even more. He would have fallen over if James didn’t catch him as Dorcas pushes past them all, going straight to the bar and grabbing a huge pant glass. James held Regulus close as Mary goes over to Dorcas to try and comfort her.  Peter side stepped over the body, trying not to throw up again and announcing "I'm going to find the body collector" before running off.  Alice rushed off to the bathroom, trying to scrub the blood off. Sirius was beyond angry. He ripped the note to shreds and throw a glass at the wall.  Lily was still at the door. She was staring at the blade in Marlene's body.

"S-severus did this?" 

"We all warned you, love. Why are you shocked he did this? He theated to kill you Lilpad and you was his first, best and only friend. He will do anything to gey what he wants. You know this" 

"I know Mary but he killed mar-"


Dorcas had dropped her glass. "Shut up" she shouted "and get to work. People are going to want to drink away their sorrows from last night." it was then that Alice walked back in. "Shouldn't we close? Marlene just died. We don't have a Capitan or boss and the town isn't safe" She asked. Dorcas snapped her head to her "the tavern is a business. It can't close for a while. Since Marlene was the last McKinnon left after the black family killledher whole family, i am now the owner of this place and be captain of her ship. So get cleaning" and like that Dorcas started cleaning the bar side. Mary quickly started helping Dorcas who was muttering things about Marlene, her killer and her families's killer.   

Meanwhile with Regulus, James and Sirius near the entrance. James was trying to calm Sirius down while also getting Regulus out of his shocked state. Sirius was throwing chairs and kicking tables over in anger. Theres no way Severus Snape and Sirius family were getting away with this. Regulus was just staring at the black knife. A million and two throughts were running through his head. He was in shock. Severus Snape killed a innocent person because he didn't go back to the black ship. He knew what he had to do. 

"I have to go back" 

"I think the fuck not" 

"Yeah I agree with Sirius. No way are you going back there Regulus" 

James and Sirius both stop and stared at Regulus, prospectively but Regulus had a emotionless mask on his face. There was no way Sirius and James was going to win this argument. 

"I have to go back. We have no choice. They have already killed McKinnon and half of this town because I refused go back. I can't let anyone else get killed because of me" 

"As your big brother, i can't let you go back. I….. i know whay they do to you there, to us. You'll be tortured. I can't let you go back. I have to protect you. I habe only just gof you back Regulus'' 

"No Sirius, that's why I have to go back. They won't torture their only heir. I know how to survive. I will find a way to get back to you giys when it's safe and no one else will die but i have to go back" 

"But Reggie…" 

"Please Sirius i know what I'm doing. The sun will sign on us again, brother" 

Sirius nod before higging Regulus tightly. After pulling away from the hug, Regulus pulls James onto a massive kiss.

"I love you James Potter"

"I love you more, Regulus Black"
Regulus leaned forward, whispered something in James's ear to which James nodded to before walking out of the tavern. 

"Wha de fuck did i miss?"

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