chapter 5

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It’s been a month since The Marauders took on a prisoner. James still didn’t like that Remus wasn’t allowed to be untied and invited to be part of the group. James believed Remus would be a good member of the team. But no one else shared his views. No, Sirius and Peter believed Remus was untrustworthy. Peter was terrified of Remus. He was acting like Remus was a vampire or something. But everyone knows vampires don’t bother pirate ships and they definitely don’t steal from them. Peter absolutely hates having to go down to give Remus his food. He is always shaking when he goes down to where Remus was being held and nearly drops the food every time. Well that's what he did at the beginning but Sirius soon took that over. Since Sirius took over taking food to Remus, Sirius has been the only one who has gone to visit him. James doesn’t visit because if he did, he would let Remus free and invite him to join the marauders. That would break the vote and trust he has with his teammates so he didn’t go down to visit him. So Sirius had Remus to himself for most of the month. Sirius always says he’s down there because “I'm getting information about my brother off him” and “I'm trying to get the correct information about him” but James was starting to doubt what he was saying. This was mainly because Sirius now spends most of his day down there with Remus and when he isn’t with Remus, he is complaining about Remus. 

For example, right now Sirius, Peter and James were all in James’s office having a meeting about…… well the meeting started as a meeting about what adventure to go on next and it had turned into a “what shall we do with Remus” meeting. 

“-nd then he decided that we should all have nicknames. For some reason he’s still saying I'm Padfoot but now you two have names. James is Prongs and Peter is warmtrail. What are these stupid sea names?  And you know what, he somehow got another book. I keep taking them off him but every time I come down, he has a new book. He is book mad. On top of that he still refuses to answer anything. He just says random things or complains it's cold or tells me to shut up because he is reading. I’m …. HE’S BONKERS MATE”. 

James had to bite his lips to stop himself from laughing like he always does when Sirius complains. It's like Sirius didn’t even know what he was saying and how he was acting? It's hilarious. James couldn’t understand why Sirius didn’t want him to join the marauders when he is this fond of Remus. It's funny. Peter on the other hand was nodding along to everything Sirius said, like Sirius was speaking the gospel truth. That wasn’t helping James not laugh. “I give up. I can’t get anything out of him. I'm going to march right down there an- are you ok there mate?” James couldn’t hold it anymore and burst out laughing. “S-sorry. Sorry. It's just….. You are so admin that Remus is so bad when you can’t go a minute without talking about him when you aren’t with him. It's funny.” This just courses Sirius to pout which makes James laugh more. “This is just…. I’m sorry. I'm good. Shall we carry …. Shall we carry on?” Peter and Sirius both look at James confused and concerned but they continue to talk about the fake subject of the meeting. The subject being Remus. “So what are we going to do?” Peter asked. James was the first to speak up this time “Let him join the marauders. He’ll be a good member. Please let him join. We need new members and I think we would be great friends with him. He’d be a perfect marau-”


The trio quickly stopped what they were doing and rushed to where the sound was coming from. That happened to be the room Remus was tied up in. The trio ran into the room only to see Remus reading another book while sword fighting a boy. Surprisingly the boy looked like a younger neater version of Sirius with short black hair and brown eyes. The boy was wearing a baggy black lace shirt and tight black leggins. He had a green locket dangling round his neck and on his hands were a ton of gold and silver rings. On his feet, he was wearing black boots. 


The fighting stopped as everyone snapped their heads to look at sirius. Remus shook his head and went back to reading. James looked at Sirius then back to Regulus then back to sirius. “That’s your brother. Wow. he’s ho-”


“What? He is! At least I can say when I find some hot”

“What do you mean by tha-”


Sirius and James look back at Remus and Regulus. As soon as Sirius and Regulus make eye contact they start arguing about everything. I mean everything. Clothes. Hair. the ship. People on the ship. Who is better? Their parents. Their role. Being on the ship. Remus. James. Something called the mark.  Like I said everything.  

James and Peter were in shock. They didn't know what to do or how to react. How would you react if your friend's (very hot) younger brother turns up on a boat in the middle of the sea and, after attacking and trying to kill someone else on the ship, starts having a brother spat/argument about everything/random things with your mate right in front of you?  Peter quickly shocks himself out of shock, grabs some parchment and quill and starts writing everything down. James was only staring at Regulus for some reason.  

Remus went back to reading. He was just ignoring everything and reading. 

"-ow what? James….. James?!" 

"Huh? What? Oh yes?" 

"Pay attention James.  Anyway as Captain you should decide. Do we let the thief and my brother stay on the ship or do we throw them overboard to kill each other?" 

"THEY STAY! I mean they can stay. They can gain your guys' trust and become part of the marauders?" 

"What!"/ "JAMES!! 

"I said my peace. Untie them so we can go have dinner Pete"

With that James goes to the dining room and everyone sadly follows. 

Captain James Potter and The marauders Where stories live. Discover now