Chapter Six

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 Miami was beautiful. Who knew such paradise was so close to home? Three hours and I was transported from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan to the sunny and bright Miami.

I was slightly intimidated as Jaxon drove us towards his mother's gated community. Houses as big as I'd imagined Hollywood actors to live in were within walking distance. He'd decided on being the designated driver himself and rented a Hummer, leaving his driver Nigel back in Manhattan. I was in awe of the landscape and homes.

"Your mom lives in a house as big as those?" I pointed ahead to the Bal Harbour area.

"Like I said. She likes luxury."

"Does she live alone? Because those homes legit looked like it could sleep five thousand people."

"Just her and her dogs."

"Well, at least she has dogs I can talk to if I get shunned by her and her posse."

"You won't get shunned." He assured.

"How much longer? I'm hungry."

"Don't worry. We will announce our arrival, and then I'll take you for something to eat. How does that sound?"

"Can't we just stay in and order Taco Bell?" he slowly pulled into a long ass drive. Palm trees covering us from the blistering heat.

Once he stopped, he killed the engine and faced me. "You want to order take out?"

"The dress you seen me in was the only fancy dress I brought."

He frowned. "What's in the case, then?"

"Casual clothes. Mostly sex toys." Wasn't a lie. I was sure he blushed again.

"Then, tonight we will order take out, but tomorrow I'll take you shopping and get you some nice outfits to wear."

"Why?" I didn't sign up for him to buy me anything.

"Because I hear it's a nice boyfriend thing to do. Besides, trust me when I say you'll be dragging me out of the house once you meet my mother."

"Sure. Why not? Maybe there's a Target around here. I could put together a couple of outfits to somewhat blend in."

He covered his face with a hand and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I've never met a girl like you."

"Like me?"

"I'm offering to take you to Gucci. Or Prada. Instead, you think maybe there's a Target around here. That's just pure sweetheart material." His eyes gleamed with happiness.

It's all fake! I reminded myself. My eyes caught sight of a woman dressed in an all-white outfit, carrying a tiny chihuahua, a few more trailing behind.

"Speaking of sweethearts. Is that your mom?" he glanced at who I'd seen.

"She's not a sweetheart. She's more of a Cruella. But her name is Misty."

"Shhh... she'll hear you." I made my way out of the hummer without falling. What the hell have I got myself into? This is going to be a disaster.

"Don't worry. I also say it to her face."

I glowered at him with disapproval. My reaction seemed to amuse him.

"You're a dick." I mouthed.

I took a frank and admiring look at his mother. She was mighty fine for a woman her age. Come to think of it, it was hard to tell her age with all the Botox and fillers.

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