This was a moment?

It seemed as though everything was a moment with these two women. Maybe, everything was. I mean, what truly defined a moment? It was hard to know...truthfully, speaking. Two women with unknown and confusing feeling for each other.

They were not unknown to Mary. Mary knew her feelings for Y/N, she had known them all along. But, Y/N...she was as puzzled as ever. Relationships were difficult for her. She wasn't even out to her family, yet.

She had only ever had two girlfriends and they weren't serious. Unless, you counted that failed talking stage. And, then there was Irene. Why did dating seem to be ten times more difficult when you liked women? Y/N didn't know despite how desperate she was to be enlightened.

She had never really felt that spark. The desire to be with someone 24/7. The feeling of heat rising into your cheeks as you tried to hide a bashful smile all over a simple nickname. The heat that seemed to sizzle between two women when they stared into each other's eyes.

But, then there was Mary.

Flirtatious, sophisticated, overly-jealous Mary. Mary had made Y/N feel things that she hadn't felt with anyone before. A sense of clarity, understanding. Her maturity and grace made Y/N feel so minuscule in comparison, but Mary's caring and attentive nature made all those feelings of doubt disappear from sight.

But, what did all of it mean? Mary definitely knew how to get Y/N flustered. Did she do it on purpose? Did it mean that Mary had feelings for Y/N too?

Oh, God...feelings.

Did Y/N have feelings for Mary? God, why did romance have to be so difficult?

Y/N knew there was something there. She knew by the way her heart fluttered when Mary lifted her chin. There was the undeniable tension building between them as Mary applied a fresh coat of lipgloss to her lips.

Mary's eyes were glued to the young adults L/C lips, seemingly mesmerized as her mind began to wander. Would it be so bad to just...kiss her? Would Y/N want that? Should she wait?

She made eye contact with Y/N, feeling all the more attracted to the woman in front of her just by the way her eyelashes fluttered. She felt herself begin to lean in, completely captivated by Y/N's beautiful features.

Y/N's breathing hitched and she gripped the hem of her dress as the situation settled in. This would've been it...until-

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Y/N jumped and looked down at her phone in annoyance. She took a glance at Mary who was massaging her temple with her thumb and pointer finger. She seemed frazzled and displeased in the outcome of their almost kiss. Y/N looked down at the caller ID.


"It's Willow," Y/N stated.

Mary let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. "Of course, it is."

Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line before she accepted the call and held the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Wills,"

"Hey," Willow greeted. "So, like, are you picking me up? Or am I picking you up?"

"Oh, I didn't really think about that," Y/N chuckled. "How about we just meet each other there?"

"Okay, that works," Willow agreed. "We should probably show up around eight. I mean, the party will probably last through the whole night."

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now