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Phthonus gaze held a veil of darkness over her face. Her hand holding tightly on a white chiton. She threw the body toward Calypso who immediately recognized the young-looking girl. Gwen did not but she did know it the woman was dead.

"You should feel ashamed, Calypso. Turning them against their rightful queen."

Calypso looked saddened as she lowered herself, touching the pale skin of Meri. She closed her eyes while a golden coin shimmered into existence in her mouth. With a deep sigh, Calypso stood back up to face the spirit.

"Meri deserved better, Phthonus. I have been chosen by my people. You are not one of us."

"I brought them peace! While you were gone, I gave them leadership! I made the Gods back down when they came after my subjects. Where were you? Hiding amongst puny humans?"

"Subjects. Leadership. My people are free to do as they wish. They have no need for rules. Most of all, their queen does not kill them. I will have to speak to Hades once you're destroyed."

"As if she will speak to you," Phthonus responds, and without Calypso realizing, prepared to attack. Luckily for Calypso, Gwen pulled her to the side. Despite the suddenness, Calypso returned fire by launching spells of her own.

"Gwen, flank her," Calypso said before raising a shimmering shield that caused flames to spread over them like a dome, "I can occupy her for a moment. Don't take too long..."

Gwen nodded but with a quick glance could not really see an opening. Whatever was being thrown at them, the flame-like substance spread out the entirety of the shield. It was like they were showering under a firestorm. If there ever was to test her resistance, it was now.

She shot two different webs close to the shield as she took a sprint. With a small sprint along with shooting herself forward by using her webs, Gwen shot through the shield and fire. The moment the fire-like substance touched her, it felt scorching hot. Yet it didn't seem to do much to herself. Her clothes were another matter, Gwen felt lucky it didn't catch fire.

Gwen skidded across the ground to stop behind a rock. It was only a moment's respite she offered to herself before pushing herself to peek over the boulder. There she was the dark spirit creating torrents of hellfire. Gwen felt shivers going through her by how dark she looked. Between her and the nymphs, there were hardly any similarities aside from being able to use magic.

Without skipping a beat, Gwen dug into the ground to come to a halt. She pushed off to approach from the side. While she could snuck around, the spirit would have noticed even while she was distracted. It is always the case in comics and movies, so Gwen would assume it is the same here.

As expected, Phthonus turns her gaze to Gwen. Confused at how she was unscathed but her face was still dark and angry. Before Gwen could even try to hit her, Gwen was pushed on a knee to catch and block a fist.

"You're supposed to be dead..." she seethes. "What are you?"

"Ghost-Spider..." Gwen grunts as she keeps the immense force away from her. "I'll kick your butt, lady. Just as promised."

"Dreams do not suit you. Begone."

The hand that caught the fist felt the tension slightly disappear as Phthonus opened her hand with the palm facing Gwen. The blond was scared to find out what she would endure now yet not much she could do as a blue spark erupted from it. Sparks was a light word for what happened as it evolved in a torrent of lighting.

It stung, it hurt, it was definitely painful. But Gwen bit her tongue to push through it, to stand back on her feet to face the spirit. Phthonus frowned in confusion as to why her powers held little effect. It should have turned the human to ash.

Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider: Together Through The StormWhere stories live. Discover now