Chapter 19

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Calypso and her sisters were looking at the terrain that was visible on a large and detailed map. All four of them were concentrating just like they have been doing ever since they started planning. It was necessary after all. They get only one chance at taking down Phthonus and whatever else she has to help her. Calypso took one short but sharp breath.

"This is everything Meri was able to get...?" Calypso asked as she pulled out a few pictures.

"Yes, she can't travel far from her tree in the mountains. So, she could only have a look from a distance."

"I see... Give her my thanks anyway. And reassure her it will not take place anywhere near her. The tree she inhabits will remain safe and if it does... I will talk to Hades."

Ambrosia nodded in response as their planning continues. Gwen sat with Peter nearby, watching them work out a plan of attack. Neither was really needed in the process. Aside from being the most normal human in the cottage, Gwen trusts Calypso to come up with a good plan where both will have a happy ending.

Peter on the other hand looks to be way out of his league. Gwen at least had her spidery powers while he had nothing in terms of special powers. There is only so much one can do with a good brain in the middle of a magically filled paradise. Let alone facing a very deadly magic user.

"You ready for this?" Peter asked, looking at Gwen who intently watched the sister, "This will be the hardest test we could have imagined. Not small-time robbers or thieves but a big deadly villain."

"I don't know..." Gwen said with a sigh leaving her, "All Yui said is that I have a good chance of winning. For all I know I could die. Yeah, I never imagined myself becoming someone who would change the fate of a whole race."

"The Fates spin their threads and we can never guess where it will take us, but know this was always meant to happen in this universe. Whatever road you took, it will end at the same place," Calypso chimed in, a gentle and kind smile on her face as the looked at the two humans.

"This was always meant to happen, but don't you know the ending then?"

"It's not like that, Peter. While it was supposed to happen, the outcome is uncertain, not fixed. I would always meet Gwen in some way yet we did not have to love each other. And while we would battle Phthonus, we could win or lose."

"Whatever it is, but I like to think I have some say in the matter," Gwen responded with a light chuckle, "so... are we ready?"

"Yes, we are. There's only so much we can prepare for, but it will have to be enough," Calypso answered gesturing for the two to follow her to the table with all the maps and reports of Nymphs.

"The mountains will offer us plenty of cover," Calypso began to explain, "Gwen and I will be the main bait, to be the ones to bring her down. My sisters will hide themselves between the rocks until that moment. When the time is right, they should be able to destroy the weakened Phthonus. Let's hope it will be enough. Despite the lack of details."

"Just make sure to beat her to a pulp!" Euroda says enthusiastically with a bright smile. The nymphs even flexed some muscles while making punching motions to make it clear what she meant.

"She should be careful, not reckless!" Aesyle retorts sharply. Her scrutinizing gaze was directed at her sister. Gwen could see it. The slippery slope that would lead to an argument or at least a debate. Ambrosia pinched her bridge in defeat, after thousands of years, reaching her wit's end.

"This is not the time to be conservative, Aesyle! We have only-"

"Enough!" Calypso cuts in, "Why? It's been nearly seven thousand years! Don't you get tired of this?"

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