Chapter 17

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Gwen knew life would become complicated with the choices she made. Her desire to help and show herself to be more than just a nerdy lesbian high school girl. But what she did not expect was to become a spider-like being. Let alone be chased by a crazy magic person. It is just a heap of things with no answer. No thread that she could follow. What connects these things together?

Gwen would love to know the answer to the question. To all her questions.

The couple managed to get to HQ without much effort. Gwen easily swung her way through the streets with Yui on her back. Having both arms free to shoot and swing her webs made the whole trip faster. The tension from escaping and knowing the woman would come for them still coursed through them as they enter HQ.

To their surprise, Peter was still working at this hour. His upper half was under the floor where several sounds of cutting and welding sounds came from. It appears he was installing the final pieces of their hideout. To completely become off the grid. Peter did pause in his work to worm his way up again, to see what the loud opening and closing of the door was about.

"Guys? What's going on?"

"Dude, you would not believe what is happening right now!" Gwen began walking to the sofa to plop down. The artist followed to stay close to the enhanced human girl.

"Crazy woman is coming after Yui! Shot out a beam of purple and- poof! - the metal bars we stood on are gone! She gave a typical evil 'I want all the power, aargh!' speech. The woman said that 'I will get your power, Calypso!' Wait... she called you Calypso?"

The artist shuffled on the sofa, her shoulders shrugging in response. Even if Yui has calmed down she had a hard time thinking about what just happened. Similar to Gwen, she has questions without answers. It baffles her she is anything but a normal teenager.

"I don't know," Yui eventually responds with a deep sigh, "The name doesn't ring any bells in my head. But this feels familiar to my dream where I was chased by this same woman. I mean, she shot that purple light beam of death. It was the same in my dream."

Peter held his voice in as he listens and sits on the coffee table. His eyes darted between the two girls that were telling an outlandish and heartstopping story. For all he knew, it was a tale straight from a novel. His face was covered in confusion as to what happened to them and what will happen to them in the future. It was what his mind turned to quickly. This will come to bite them in their asses.

"Okay... someone, or something, is coming for Yui. Clear. Got it. No questions about it. I believe you. But what is next? This woman is coming back, right? I am not sure what I, or let alone we, can do to magic beams of death."

"Because there is not much you can do, Peter," a voice adds to the intense conversation.

The three young-looking people turn their heads to the entrance, all three looking shocked at seeing three women standing near the entrance. No sound was made as they entered the room. The door was opened without a sound. Either due to the three being distracted or these women being utterly silent, but no one heard them enter.

"Who the hell are you?!" Gwen asked, jumping on her feet like a protective lioness guarding her cubs.

The one that spoke had gentle features, somewhat reminiscent of Greek heritage. But in contrast, there were plenty of Asian heritage traits as well. It was hard to pinpoint where she came from. The same can be said for the other two who hold similar features.

One thing can be said from them. They were family. There is no doubt they have similar features and traits. The dark hair, sun-touched skin, dark brown eyes with watery twinkles in them. It was odd yet Gwen could not deny they held a radiant beauty to them. Similar to Yui in a way. A radiance that came off them.

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