Chapter 7

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It was Wednesday, two days after coming out to Ichika. Yui sat in the metro to get to the garage. Her motorcycle has seen decades of use by both her and her grandfather. Yui wants to keep it running for decades more which is why she regularly brings it to the garage for a check-up just in case. She could do it herself, but it is not like she has the tools or space, let alone the time. While traveling in the metro she had her smartphone out, ticking away at the screen to send the various messages to Gwen.

Today was an important day for her. Gwen mustered up the courage to accept to form a band with three other girls. Of course, she was nervous but she was mostly excited about it. Yui is supporting her the best she can by being encouraging and by being supportive. She enjoys listening to music, but has no talent for making music. Yui smiled a little as she continued messaging Gwen.

Gwen ❤️

MJ is quite a force to be reckoned
with. A person with a passion. She
better not dictate over everyone.

Just like you then? Don't think I haven't
heard you play, Gwen... Fierce and

That better be a compliment, Yui!
I don't want to have the same reputation
that MJ has. And I don't push you,
do I?

Never, you're very sweet! But I can't
help it that I like a certain fierce and
passionate girl...

Mhm, I noticed...
Gotta go, they're here!

Good luck! And I'll pick you up
in an hour! Have fun.

Thanks, see you soon. Kisses!

Gwen went offline after sending the last message. It makes Yui sigh wistfully, her gaze peering out of the scratched-up window. The brick and tall buildings pass her as her mind thinks about the coming days. The future really. She never really thought about it. Just did what came along the road she was taking. Followed those around her and did what they suggested. Art school, the newspaper, and even the suggestion of Gwen to start a business together.

Now, though, she chose to be with Gwen. Sure, she made the first move but she wants this herself. To come out to her sister and soon her family. It was she that wanted to focus on this business venture. The future looks bright to her. Yui knows she will stumble along the way. Stress, perhaps even a few rocky days with Gwen. But she chose to walk this road and she finds it a beautiful road too.


Yui looked at her phone again as she felt it buzzing. To her annoyance it was Ichika. Her sister has become relentless when it came to her relationship. She must have her reasons, but sometimes she wants to keep it private. After all, I am not snooping in her life, Yui thinks to herself.


Yui, everything going well in

Why are you so involved again?

Because I care! I need to make
sure my sister is not having her
heart broken!

Hey! Gwen is nice, don't patronize
her. She is very sweet and kind!

Ah, you're so smitten! I am
so jelly that your first person feels
like the one. Wish I had that too.

Everything is going well, I hope?
You can talk to me anytime,
Ichika. I am alway happy to offer a
shoulder to lean on.

Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider: Together Through The StormOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant