Chapter 6

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Yui bounced her leg up and down. Her hands were clasped together while she rested her chin on it. She was worried about what will come. Well, she knows what will come, but she wasn't sure what to expect she will hear from Ichika. She trusts her sister to not hate her, but accepting is something completely different.

"Hey, don't worry, Yui. Positive thinking helps, you know."

"Thanks for being here, Gwen. Man, my hands are sweating from just a talk with my sister!"

"An important talk, though. But remember, I'm here as support, alright?"

"Thank you so much," Yui responded, squeezing Gwen's hand that held a rainbow band around her wrist. She gave Yui a smile while being sent one back. "You'll like Ichika. She's very sweet."


Yui smiled as she hears the voice of Ichika. She turns in her metal seat, seeing her sister walk toward her. Her hand waving in the air without caring how ridiculous she looks. Some of the passersby raised an eyebrow while giving her a side glance. Yui was at least grateful she looked normal this time, instead of in one of her cosplay costumes. She likes her animes too much.

"She's... outgoing," Gwen mumbles while keeping up a smile.

"Yup... Hey, Ichika, thanks for coming!" Yui says, getting up to hug her sister. Two arms quickly gave Yui a warm hug, while one leg was getting into the air to give it some flair. Gwen watched while sitting at the metal table of the coffee shop. It is almost the complete opposite of Yui's how Ichika behaves. Very open, not giving two shits about what people think, and acting with the energy of thousands.

"Of course! I won't pass up a free coffee with you! A friend?" Ichika asked with a bright smile as she sees Gwen sitting at their table while sitting down with Yui. The artist rolled her eyes, of course, she has to pay. Even if she earns enough for herself. Before Yui could introduce her girlfriend, Gwen did it herself.

"Gwendolyne Stacy, but just Gwen is fine. It is nice meeting you, Ichika," Gwen said and stood up to shake Ichika's hand. It makes Yui happy and a little giddy to see Gwen trying to be as polite as possible. She is appreciative to see Gwen trying to give a good impression.

"Oh, she is polite. Nice to meet you too, Gwen," Ichika chuckled as she shook her hand, "How's it going, Yui? Been some time since you visited."

"Ah, yeah, been swamped with work the last few weeks. Sorry," Yui apologized with a smile, her hands being wrung in between her thighs nervously. "I started my own studio. Making drawings. Even a few painting-like things, not sure how to describe those. It is going well enough that I do not have to work for the newspaper anymore."

"And you didn't tell us!?"

"Technically, I quit the paper two days ago. I was going to tell, I swear! But I just didn't have the time."

"Ooh, two jobs and studies... That's straight from hell!" Ichika mutters with a horrified look in her eyes, "I can guess that is the reason for those fading black rings under your eyes?"

"Had to force her to take it easy," Gwen chimes in with a chuckle.

"I bet. Was probably stressing and everything. Keeping it to herself like always," Ichika says, letting her eyes drift over the menu. But Gwen saw her glancing in her direction, taking her in to place her. Ichika took slightly more time with choosing her drink. Yui though was a flustered mess as she sat in between Ichika and Gwen.

"H-Hey! That's not true..."

"Well, I'll take a double macchiato," Ichika says ignoring the protest from Yui, her lips forming an innocent smile. "Why don't you order, Yui?"

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