"Hey hey hey!" Fred announced as he wrapped his arms around Bianca from the back and kissed all over her face.

"Hi Fred." Leo waved as Bianca wrestled him off of her.

"Leo what the fuck are you doing here?" Fred asked confused, "How'd you get Poppy to free you?"

"No clue." Leo shrugged, "She must just like me."

"Nah she must hate you so much that she didn't want you there." Fred retorted.

"I know you said that as a joke, but it's honestly possible."

"I brought drinks and a George." Marco said approaching them.

"Oo George, what is this potion?" Bianca asked handing it to him.

George opened it up and inspected it, "Mends broken bones."

"Shit." Leo groaned. "I really might have to go sleep it off."

"Nonsense." Bianca said standing up, "I'll go ask Pomfrey for some pain medicine."

"Really?" Leo asked hopefully.

"Of course. Fred come on." Bianca said pulling him up and handing Marco her potion for midnight.

"I love you."

"I love you more Lele."

"Fuck you must be dying." Marco said taking Bianca's spot. "You'd never willingly let people take care of you."

"Bruv I was fine earlier like when it happened. But my head seriously feels like it's about to explode and I can't take it anymore." Leo replied honestly.

"I told you it was the adrenaline. And now that it's all gone you're getting the full force of the pain."

"It's pretty shitty." Leo pouted.

"A Bludger to the face will be shitty." George agreed, "It was pretty scary to watch too if I'm honest."

"Why?" Leo inquired.

"Just like watching your lifeless body hurdling towards the ground a hundred feet up." Marco replied simply, "Just your average Tuesday."

"Eh I blacked out for the fall so I wasn't too bothered."

"Blacking out but not in a fun way. Love that for you."

"What are you guys doing over here?" James called out as he and Melinda walked over to them, "Oh shit Leo? Why the fuck are you not in the infirmary."

"At this point I don't fucking know." Leo replied closing her eyes as her head went through a wave of feeling like it was splitting in half.

"Did you sneak her out?" James asked Marco concerned.

"No Pomfrey let her go." Marco responded honestly.

"Why would she even do that? Look at her." James said gesturing to Leo dramatically.

"Baby can you go get me something to drink?" Melinda asked James.

"Yeah sure." James agreed tearing his eyes off of Leo, "What do you want?"

"Just a beer."

"Got you." James agreed as he left them to go to the drink table.

Marco and George broke off into a conversation as Leo kept her eyes close and her hand on her head, begging any higher forces to relieve the pain.

"So Leo," Melinda began as she sat down on the edge of the couch, "Didn't you agree that you'd back off?"

"What?" Leo groaned as she opened her eyes.

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