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" now I just wish some of their distance can fade away...... "

Mrs. Kim sigh and Mrs. Park rub her back

























-Next day-


-Sa-eun's P.O.V-

























I opened my eyes and drag my hand on night stand to take my phone, feeling some different I sat up on bed before widen my eyes and realizing I'm not in my house, not in my room. I felt a firm grip on my waist so I turn towards my right and saw a man sleeping beside me shirtless his hairs covering his face, his face buried in my waist

I looked at myself in horror just to witness I'm just in a single fabric which is a shirt which I suppose is his I removed the duvet from myself and look I'm not wearing any panties too, and he is not wearing his belt too. I wander my eyes here and there and saw my dress lying on door step my panties near couch and bra near bed

I will kill myself if I had a one night stand with a random dude even after being married, how I'm gonna face Taehyung, his mom dad, my mom dad, jimin oppa and Juri unnie!? no this can't be happening. I am surely dreaming this can't be real!

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