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" Sa-eun............... "















- Author POV -






















Namjoon left her wrist and Sa-eun pushed him lightly and stood properly to look who called her and saw her husband poking his tongue in his inner cheek while coming towards her tucking his hands in his pant's pockets, being bossy as always

Namjoon rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out from his coat pocket and unlock it. He starts walking towards the exit door of the garden

" Let's go home now, mom and dad are coming for dinner tonight "

Taehyung said coldly, she nodded her head without uttering a word

" You go, I'm coming "

She Said as namjoon was still standing at exit. Taehyung felt a little confused but shoo it away and nodded before saying

" I will be parking lot "

She again nodded. Taehyung stepped out from from garden, at that time Sa-eun walk towards namjoon and stand behind him

" I hope u understood what we just discussed about..... Also I don't want just someone to discuss my private life...........Namjoon.... "

Saying that she exited too

Meanwhile :-

Taehyung came in parking lot and sat in his white Mercedes's driving seat after saying good bye to Suga. He hit his hand on steering wheel of the car but he himself didn't know why, he sigh heavily and calm down

After few minutes he saw Sa-eun walking towards his car and sat inside, tucking the seatbelt. Seeing her he also remember he didn't wore seatbelt, he quickly tucked it before starting the engine

After 15 min :-

It was pin drop silence in the car just the sound of soft music playing on radio, Sa-eun was looking outside of the window and Taehyung was fully focused on driving. Guards were ahead of them and behind of them too, being bored she decided to ask

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