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" Hello? "


















-Taehyung's P.O.V-


















I step into hallway after leaving the meeting room as I got a call from him jimin so, I immediately picked it up

" Hey Tiger! Wassup? "

I frown but answer him anyway

" I'm good....... How come you call me? "

" Yk I heard that you are going to Singapore with my sis, is it true? "

He spoke in his honey voice and I'm damn sure he is gritting his teeth behind this phone

" Yeah.......... U heard ryt........? "

" What I am to you? "

He ask suddenly, my frown grows

" Um you are my bestfriend..........? "

" Oh so u remember I'm ur bestfriend! Glad to know, hey! Eun do u know how does bestfriends stay? Let it be! They share everything with eachother no matter what it is, yk? "

He spoke to the one who is with him which I suppose is Sa-eun, he is explaining her but taunting me that I didn't shared this Singapore thing with him

" Damn Jimin you are still living in middle school bro!! "

I rolled my eyes

" yah!! How dare you not tell me that you are going Singapore, huh!!? What the hell you think of your self u bitch!!?? "

He burst on me like a volcano

" Excuse me Mr. Kim ? "

I turn around when one of the employee of my recent collaborating company came and bow to me

" Yes? "

" Sorry if I'm disturbing but CEO is asking for you......... "

" I'm coming in a min "

I coldly replied to him, he bow and leave me alone

" I'll talk to you later, I'm in a meeting currently."

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