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" Not to fuck you ofc......... "

























I chocked up on the water I was drinking, he rolled his eyes and snatched the water bottle from me before chunging down the whole bottle. I wipped my face with tissue, glaring at him

" I just came here to remind you that meeting is tomorrow........ 11:00 am, sharp. "

" I know!....... "

This time I rolled my eyes on him and got up from bed to head towards bathroom, to fresh up myself from the hectic day

" Anything else to say? If not you may leave Mr. Kim..... "

He got up, placing the empty bottle on the coffee table

" Yeah, and don't be late.. Ms.Park "

I scoff at him as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I entered inside the bathroom and start filling the bathtub before taking my clothes off






































-Taehyung P.O.V -

Laying down on my bed comfortably I was ready to fall asleep just then my phone decided to rang. Groaning I got up and took my phone from nightstand before answering it

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