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" Hello, baby! "




































My soul left my body when I saw his face, my face fall pale like my body left it's soul

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My soul left my body when I saw his face, my face fall pale like my body left it's soul. I immediately pushed him and stand on my own feet

" E-Eunwoo!?.......... "

I voice broke as I utter his name after almost two years, he smirked and stepped towards me. I stepped back, my legs trembled but I didn't showed it

" I heard you married Namjoon's younger brother, Huh? You didn't even waited for long before jumping in Taehyung's pant? "

He scoff and took another step but this time I didn't step back and looked into his eyes

" Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth you bastard! "

I pointed my finger to him, my eyes burning from anger

" What is happening here? "

A deep voice rang in my ears and I sigh in relief but a stupid smirk was still plastered on Eunwoo's filthy face which I wanted to rip apart

Taehyung's heavy step came closer and I ran to him, hugging him and breathing in his expensive cologne

" Let's go from here........ "

I said while heavily breathing, his one arm on my waist, he couldn't see Eunwoo's face as his back was facing us and he didn't even bother to turn

" But who- "

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