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Tuesday morning

Mia's pov

I woke up at 9h30 today, classes start a 10h00, so I still have half an hour to get ready, I got up and went to the bathroom, I got dressed, applied some mascara on my lashes, and highlighter on my cheekbones, I brushed my long brown straight hair and here I was done, I still have 15 minutes before I have to go to class, we sleep in the school so I doubt that I'll be late.

"Hello there".Jer says as ties his shoe lace.

"Hey sweetheart" I reply with a smile on my face.

"Are you ready? Do you want to eat something? I can go get you-"I cut him of and say "Jer don't worry about me I am okay, but I'm happy that you care!"

"Of course I care about you" he tells me as he stands to hug me, I put my hand around his neck and give him a little kiss on the cheek "Come on we have to go" I tell him.

We have the same classes Jer and I, and Jason and Ella, I am not ready to see them again, I even told them you are strangers to me I don't know you, I just want to finish this year with no more drama, just Jer and I, going to college together away from trouble, away from them.

We got in front of the door of math class, we were running late, nobody was in the hallways, great even better, now everyone will turn their gaze to us, I felt stress growing in my stomach, I held Jer's hand even tighter.

"Are you okay Mia?"he asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah, it's just..I'm...yeah I'm fine" stuttering didn't really help to make the situation believable.

"Well you don't look fine" he turns his gaze to me, and I do so too, he lifts my chin until my eyes meet his. "if you are not ready to go to class we can go back to our dorm, it's fine, you don't have to put all this pressure on yourself."He says trying to comfort me.

"No it's fine, we will have to get back to class one day anyway, so let's do it now, it's not worth waiting."I reply trying to sound more confident.

"You sure?"I nod as we enter the class.

"Well look who decided to finally join us" the teacher says in an annoyed tone. I roll my eyes mentally.

Everyone turns their gaze towards us, their eyes burning through my soul, and I notice Ella looking at me with a relieved and guilty stare. She looked very very bad, her blond hair greasy and the dark circles under her eyes made her look like a zombie, I felt so bad for her, guilt rushes over me, after our staring contest I turn to Jason who was even worse than Ella, his black hair was messy not in a cute way, it looks like he just had a very bad blow-dry from a hair salon, he wasn't wearing his uniform, he had a huge gray hoodie on, with black sweatpants.

His eyes were scanning me up and down, I couldn't find the right word to describe the emotions he was feeling right now, he looked broken very broken, there was nothing in his eyes just darkness, I couldn't see his dark green eyes anymore, they were just black.

I couldn't find any relieve in his eyes to see his Jeremiah again, I mean I can't blame him to be mad to see me again, what I've said was really hurtful, but Jeremiah did nothing bad to him, he was defending his relationship, his girlfriend, he did as anyone would do to protect their loved people, instead I just saw hatred and disgust growing in Jason's eyes when his gaze turned to Jeremiah.

We stood for 5 long minutes before breaking the eye contact and sitting down.

I sat on Jer's left we were in the back of the class, we didn't want to approach Ella and Jason, if I could give them any nickname it would be troublemakers.

I know how Jason reacts when Jeremiah tells me I love you or sweetheart or if he hugs me, so we decided to not get anywhere near them anymore, they are strangers to me and Jeremiah, and it's better this way.


Hey everyone how are you??

This is also a short chapter but what's coming next is amazing!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I will give you a little preview of the new book that I will be writing next at the end of this story!Enjoy!

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