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It's been a week since Jason and I kissed, I tried to avoid him, and luckily I didn't see him in the hallways.

Today is Friday, there is a party at Pete's house, the captain of the football team, Ella kept telling me about it until I said yes.

It is currently 7:30 p.m., the party does not start until 8 p.m.

I started to get ready, I'm wearing a white dress that has cuts on all sides and it's long enough to cover only my butt, even when I shower I wear more than that. It was super short, that I can't even bend over to pick up my stuff from the floor. I straightened my brown hair and put on mascara, blush, concealer, and lip gloss.When I'm done getting ready I walk out of the bathroom and Ella's jaw drops.

"Girl you are hot!!!!" She said with a giant smile on her face.

"Don't you think that's a little too cut?" I ask not very sure.

"Girl you will be the most beautiful at this party, it's true that the dress is a little short with a lot of cut, but it's not like you will wear it every day, and moreover I have already seen worst dresses at parties." She reassures me.

Ella and I are finally ready, it's 8:10 p.m., it doesn't matter if we're late to the party, who arrives right on time?.

We enter Pete's house and we only hear music, nothing else, I can't even hear myself think.

People are playing drinking games, others are making out, and others are dancing. Typical of a party right?

Two seconds later I turn around and notice that Ella has disappeared, I decide to go get myself a drink, but there is only alcohol, so I only drink water. I'm not going to get drunk.

I can't deal with morning headaches even though tomorrow is Saturday I don't feel like spending my day in bed.

I'm looking at people dancing when all of a sudden I notice someone looking at me, I turn my gaze and notice that Jason and his friends are talking while Jason just stares at me. He looks at me up and down and clearly he doesn't like my dress to be fair I don't like it that much either I feel like it's too much but that's what Ella and I bought so I had nothing else to wear.

I break eye contact with Jason when I notice a guy coming towards me.

"Hi girl do you want to dance?" He said clearly drunk.

"No thank you". I answer politely, the guy clearly doesn't understand, he grabs my wrist roughly, and I try to let go.

"Leave me alone, I don't feel like dancing." I shout furiously.

He still doesn't understand when I notice Jason approaching in my direction.

"Let her go." He says his eyes darken and he's clearly angry.

The guy still doesn't understand so Jason grabs him by the neck and throws him to the floor which stops the whole party. Everyone stares at us and Jason turns his gaze to me grabs my arm and directs me towards the door.

"What was that for?!" I say releasing my hand from his touch.

"Didn't you see what the asshole was doing or are you blind?" He answers rudely.

"I saw what happened but did you have to throw him on the floor?"

"You know what?" He says.

"Tell me."I reply.

"I don't care what happens to you next time, at least you can say thank you, because I got you out of this situation, he could have hurt you and you're here complaining, you tried to ask him to let go of you, and I tried too, he clearly didn't understand without violence so sorry if I tried to defend you!" He shouts.

I had no words everything he said was true I had butterflies in my stomach when he said he was defending me I turn to him and give him a hug that he doesn't return."Thank you for defending me, this is the first time anyone has done it."

He looks at me his eyes go back to their original color then he says "don't think you're special I would have done it to anyone else I just don't like this guy. "I nod

Even though his last words hurt me a little maybe it's true and he's defending me not because we're becoming friends just because he doesn't like the guy who tried to hurt me. Maybe we're not meant to be friends or whatever, he clearly doesn't like me.

It hurts, this is the first time someone has had this effect on me, I think I'm starting to like Jason Miller.


Thank you all for reading my story this is my very first so if its not good enough I apologize please leave a comment so I know that your enjoying the story what do you think of the weird "relation" between Jason and Mia?

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