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Wednesday evening:

Today I didn't go to class, after what happened yesterday, I couldn't get out of the dorm.

The good thing in this school is that there are dorms where you can stay all day without going out, but I know it's temporary because I'm here to study and not to hide from everyone, I already went through this situation in my old schools, why am I more concerned about it here?

At 8:00 P.M, when dinner is over and everyone is back in their dorms, I tell Ella that I'm going for a walk, but it was a lie, I'm going to look for information on these boys.

I leave my dorm and go to the boys' dorm.

I know that if they aren't asleep yet, and they see me, I'll have a lot of problems. I don't even know why I'm doing this, I'm too curious, I need to know more about them.

I tried to ask Ella, what made the squad more important, but she also didn't know, nobody knew, I had to do something, and here I was in front of their dorm, I'm a good stalker, I followed Jeremiah in front of the dorm and I immediately learned the way.

I open the door calmly and walk into their room.

When suddenly I heard the footsteps of someone going in my direction I instantly regretted my decision.

I go to a bedroom and hide under a bed.

It was Jason's room, fantastic everything is getting worse and worse.

He was talking on the phone with his mother.

After 2 minutes of silence, he replies to his mother: "Mom, I can't come, I'm busy, I have a lot of homework to do, and Lucas will be there anyway, you don't need your two boys to go at the coronation of Charles III.

My jaw dropped.

Jason is connected to the royal family of England. Bingo, I have the info I need, I lay quietly under the bed when I heard Jason sobbing. I was shocked.

Dust gets in my nose and I sneeze, my hand over my mouth hoping Jason didn't hear me.

Two seconds later I hear Jason say, "Who's there?! Get out of here immediately before I do it myself."

For a second I was glad to hear his human side, but he's back with his mean and cold air.

I get out from under the bed, his eyes darken and grow, he looks at me for 5 seconds and he shouts: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I DON'T THINK THIS IS YOUR ROOM?!".

I answer quickly: "I'm sorry, I got lost." I knew he wasn't going to believe my lie but I had hope.


"I'm so-". Before finishing my sentence he walks towards me I back up until I fall on his bed.

He was staring at me, I didn't know what to do so I stood up and said, "Listen, I was curious to know why you and your group of friends were the most popular here, so I came to gather information."

He looks at me and smirks, "You're so into me, you're stalking me.

To show him that he's wrong I approach him our faces one inch away and I say: "You want so much to prove that I'm obsessed with you when you know it's wrong. I smirk, and I continue " as if you want me to be obsessed with you, this idea of not having ALL the girls at your feet exasperates you and you try to convince yourself that I love you. "

He looks at me knowing that I'm right he says: "Get out of here."

Instead of listening to him I sit on his bed and say: "I heard the conversation you had with your mother, do your friends know?"

"It's none of your business." he says.

"Okay that means they don't know." He looks at me and sits down on the chair in front of me.

"Look, I know we're not friends, even far from being friends, but if you can't even tell your friends what's going on with you, you can tell me." I say sincerely.

"And why would I do that? How do I know you're worthy of my trust?" He said with his eyes not trusting me.

"Because clearly I'm the only person who knows what's going on, and you can trust me, I can't prove it to you but I can assure you, you can trust me Jason."

"I think you have already understood that I am related to the royal family of England, Charles III is my uncle, and my mother wants me to come to the coronation, but I do not want to appear in front of everyone on TV, everyone will know who I am and I'm afraid my friends will treat me differently, plus my brother Lucas will already be there so there's no reason why I should go." His words quickly come out of his mouth, like he's been meaning to tell someone for a while, and I'm so glad it's me.

After 1 minute trying to understand his words I speak again and say: "I'm really sorry if you had to go through all of this I'm sure it's not easy for you." The words come out softly from my mouth, I don't hesitate a second and I give him a hug, he returns the hug and stays like that for 10 seconds, when I pull back our faces are one inch away, we look at each other for a moment and kiss, I loved this kiss his soft lips are on mine they are fresh as if they had never touched anyone else's lips.

We step back and I say: "I think I'll go, otherwise I'll be tired in the morning." He nods.

Me who hated Jason just became my first kiss.

I couldn't sleep all night, I've been thinking about Jason and our kiss, I have a weird feeling in my stomach, what does it mean??.

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