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Monday morning

Mia's pov

I woke up today at 8:00 a.m., classes start at 10:00 a.m., but I couldn't sleep all night. I showered, did my morning routine, got dressed and did my makeup, It's 9:30 am now, I decided to go see Jer to see if he has any news.

"hey, how are you?" Jer asks as he opens the door.

"I don't know, Ella didn't come back to the dorm, I think she's really angry." I lower my head, so as not to show the tears that are coming out of my eyes.

Jer lifts my chin until my eyes meet his. "It's okay to show your sadness, I'm sad too I don't want to ruin my friendship with Jason." He says with a sad voice,then he kissed me passionately.

"It's 9:50 am, we have to go to class princess." I smiled at his words.

"I like it when you call me princess."I answer.

"That's why I called you princess, princess." Jer leans in to kiss me again, and I do the same.

We leave the dorm and go to class, I haven't seen Ella all day, she can't disappear forever, I have to see her.

"For tomorrow, you're going to write me an essay-". Before the teacher finishes his sentence, the bell rings. That's what I call 'being saved by the bell'.

It's lunch time, I find Jeremiah and we sit at the same table. Before I turn to kiss him, we see Ella and Jason walking in together, Jason's hand is around her shoulder.

I felt a thousand daggers in my heart, I don't know why I wasn't even jealous, it's just that I would have been happy if she told me that she got a boyfriend.

They glance at us and go sit with their friends.

"Okay, what's going on?!". I ask Jer who is much more shocked than me.

"I don't have the words honestly." He said turning to me.

We turn around to look Jason and Ella, who were already looking at us, then they kissed, a long kiss, OKAY a VERY long kiss, it looks like they were eating each other's faces, I wasn't even jealous, I was disgusted.

Then I turn to Jeremiah who was already looking at me: "Do you have the same idea as me?" He asks me, wiggling his eyebrows, without even answering, I sit on his lap and start to make out in the cafeteria, everyone was looking at us.

"You are a good kisser." Jer told me before I sit down next to him.

"You're not bad at all." I say teasingly.

"Hahaha, I'm better than you." He said tickling me.

"You wish."I said jokingly."Stop tickling me Jer!!!"

We had forgotten that Jason and Ella were here, and that they kissed only to make us jealous, well that's what we think, we're not sure that they're really a couple, but we're not sure they're not, it's not possible, they don't even love each other, there are 2 possibilities, number 1: they are together so that Jer and I break up, it may be a strategy for Ella to be with Jer and me with Jason, but I don't think they are that cruel, to the point that they want to break our relationship, because if that was the case I would never forgive them, or number 2: after what happened two days ago, they spent the weekend together, and fell in love. Yeah, no, I don't think so.

"Mia, are you okay?" Jer asks me, bringing me back to earth.

"Yeah don't worry, I just think that it doesn't make sense, their 'couple'". I say.

"Yes, me neither, I think it's one of their strategies to get Jason in a relationship with you, but why did Ella agree to be his toy?"

I say nothing, Jer looks at me with suspicious eyes.

"What is it? He says.

"Listen Jer.....Ella's been in love with you for a long time, and I just come out of nowhere and steal the guy she likes." A tear falls from my eye. "I don't think it's very nice of a best friend to do that."I give Jer a hug, and cry into his chest.

"It's not your fault, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Jer returns the hug.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault either Jer."I tell him.

Stepping back from the hug, we turn around to see Jason and Ella who were staring at us from afar, I felt that Ella wanted to give me the biggest hug, the sadness could be seen in her eyes.

"Jer, I'm going to the bathroom." I told him standing up.

"I'm coming with you, not with you inside, but I'll be waiting for you outside." He says, and I laugh, "don't worry I wasn't going to bring you in with me anyway".

We leave the cafeteria, and we go to the bathroom.

I apply some mascara on my naturally long lashes just to give them a little lift, I cried a lot with laughter, so my mascara ran a little. Then I noticed that Ella was standing behind me. "You scared m-", before finishing my sentence she gives me a big hug that I return.

"Look, I hope you weren't crying because of my relationship with Jason, we like each other, and so we got together."Wow she really let it all out in one breath.

"Don't worry, I was crying because Jer tickled me a lot." I said laughing. "Besides, you're good together, you're cute."

"You're cute too." She told me. I knew she was lying, her voice betrayed her, but I decided not to say anything, we came out of the bathroom and noticed that Jason and Jer were laughing.

"What did we miss?" I say smiling.

"Don't worry, it wasn't that funny."Jason laughs says as he and Jer stand up.

I'm glad Ella and Jason are over from what happened.

Then I say, "I'm so sorry about what happened the other day, I'm so glad you two are a couple, you two were made for each other." These words genuinely come out of my mouth.

I walk over and give a hug to Ella then to Jason, I felt like Jason was relieved to have me in his arms, he didn't want to let go, so we stayed like that for 20 seconds, I felt the sadness in their eyes, there is something wrong in their relationship, and I was going to find out what it is, and a new investigation is added to my list. The day passed quickly, I went back to my dorm with Ella, I'm happy everything went back to normal, we talked all night until we finally fell asleep on my bed.

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