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The Fates took Luke's body, and I saw my life flash before my eyes and each moment, Percy was next to me. I smiled to myself.

My vision grew hazy, my ears rang, and I was tired, so tired. My knees buckled and Percy caught me, but he grabbed my broken arm, making everything worse. He said something, I said something, and then I passed out.

After a few minutes (although it felt like hours), I woke up well rested and feeling like I was in a new body. Apollo had done some healing thing for me and I was in awe he had actually touched me even if it was my forehead.

Sam had visited quickly to say hi, check on me and tell me my father was fine, but she had to quickly return to him and I was just glad they were okay.

We set about repairing Olympus, but not before my mother adored me.

"Oh, you're the honor of all my children! I always knew you were destined for greatness!" She grinned, showering me with compliments. "Oh, and you still look so beautiful!"

"Thanks mom." I said and I did love the attention. "Um, about Silena?"

She sighed. "Yes. Well, Hades has welcomed her to Elysium along with Charlie, I can still feel their love, if this offers any comfort."

I nodded. "Yes! I was worried."

She brushed my hair. "I know. I am upset at her actions, but I understood she was taken advantage of. Sometimes... sometimes we get blinded by promises of false love, and that can lead to horrible consequences. However, in the end Silena redeemed herself. You and her are some of my bravest children, I am proud of you both."

I went to say something, but Zeus called her to a council. I went to see Thalia before heading in, standing next to Percy.

He smiled at me and did that thing he does whenever he just stares at me like I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen. It made me feel all warm inside as my stomach did a backflip.

After the gods discussed their feats, Zeus turned to us. "Which leaves us only the matter of thanking our demigods."

He called Thalia first and promised her filling the Hunters ranks, and Artemis assured her all the fallen would reach Elysium and Hades grumbled in agreement.

Tyson was called next, who was made a general and was promised the best stick that may be found, the perfect weapon of choice.

Next was Grover, who promptly passed out after being declared a member of the Council of Cloven Elders.

Annabeth was declared the new architect of Olympus, tasked with making the new designs.

"Coriane Tucker, my darling." My mother said. "You have shown that being a daughter of mine is not simply about beauty and love, it is about compassion for those you love and those who may be your enemies, and when those combine you show a strength that I have not seen anyone wield. My darling Coriane, we have decided that as Annabeth has been picked, you will help to guide us and others on actions regarding anything from alliances to battle, you will be our first demigod appointed to this task, and I could not be more honored to have you in this role."

My jaw dropped as I kneeled before my mother. I thanked her before joining Annabeth and we grinned together.

"I get to help build Olympus!" Annabeth squealed.

I squealed right back, "I get to work directly with the gods and spend all my time at Olympus with you!"

Percy smiled to the both of us. "Wasn't this your guys dream since forever?"

Annabeth nodded. "We always wanted to be up here, helping in someway, and we always wanted to do it together."

Percy went to say something to me, but his father called him.

But Zeus spoke first. "Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods."

"Any gift?" Percy asked.

"I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift to any mortal in centuries, but if you wish it( you shall be made a god."

"A god?"

My chest tightened as I realized I would lose Percy. I looked to my mother, surly she had not planned for this? Was Percy going against what she had planned?

Percy looked back at me, and Annabeth held me as she too realized what was happening.

"No." Percy said.

I squeaked and covered my mouth and my eyes started watering.

"I want something else and you must promise on the River Styx."

Zeus grumbled, but promised.

"From now on," Percy began. "I want you to properly recognize the children of the gods. All the children of all the gods. Kronos couldn't have risen if it wasn't for children resenting their parents, feeling unloved. No more unclaimed children, you must claim your children but the time they turn thirteen, they won't be left alone. Every god will get a cabin, every single one, and no more Big Three pact, that clearly didn't work."

The gods agreed, although they mumbled it, and his wish was granted.

Percy came back to me and I hugged him tightly, gripping on like it was out last hug. "I thought I was lost you."

He laughed lightly as he held me. "You'll never lose me, never."

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