•i take a test•

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Nico was a mess, and I didn't want to leave, I wanted more sleep.

"I'm worried about him." I told Percy, finishing my braid. "If he starts talking to Minos..."

"He'll be alright," Eurytion promised. "The boy can stay here and gather his thoughts. He'll be safe."

"What about you?" Percy asked, handing me a hair tie.

"There's going to be a lot of changes around here. I'll make this ranch what it was supposed be. I reckon you'll be looking for Daedalus's workshop?"

I nodded, looking to Annabeth. "Think you can help?"

Eurytion looked uncomfortable. "Don't know where it is, but Hephaestus probably would."

"That's what Hera said." I sighed.

"But how do we find him?" Annabeth asked.

Eurytion grabbed a necklace, and handed it to me. "I helped Hephaestus trick my dad and your mom, he said this will lead to his forges, but only once."

I held it. "And you're giving it to me?"

"I don't need to see the forges, Miss. got enough to do here. Just press the button and you'll be on your way."

I pressed the button and quickly dropped it. "Scorpion!"

Annabeth grabbed me. "She's us, a little scared of those. Childhood trauma, some might say."

Eurytion flushed. "I'm sorry."

Percy squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Let's hurry, that's not waiting for us."

We quickly said our goodbyes and chased after it into the maze.

I was glad Grover and Tyson had wonderful hearing, meaning I didn't have to actually see the thing.

We reached a set of monkey bar like things, and quickly crossed, Tyson giving Grover a piggyback ride.

We kept going, skeletons growing more frequent until we reached a monster.

The Sphinx.

Annabeth and I slightly grinned at each other, stepping forward.

The Sphinx roared before grinning. "Welcome, lucky contestants, to Answer That Riddle! Fabulous prizes! Pass the test, and you get to advance! Fail, and I eat you! Who will be our contestant?"

"Coriane, it's your quest." Annabeth whispered. "I know you can do this."

I nodded, stepping forward.

"Welcome, Coriane Tucker! Are you ready for your test?"

I nodded, again. "Ask your riddle."

"Twenty, actually!"

I dropped my shoulders and almost cried. "But, back in the old days-"

"Oh, we've raised our standards! Isn't it great?"

I looked back, Percy and Annabeth giving me encouraging smiles.

I took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"What... is the capital of Bulgaria?"

I frowned. That wasn't a riddle. "Sofia."

"Correct! Please be sure to mark your answer clearly on your test sheet with a number 2 pencil."

I frowned again, and suddenly a test booklet was in front of me with a pencil. I quickly filled in the bubble.

"What about the man with four legs?"

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