•percy gets a somewhat tour of camp•

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I walked next to Percy as we followed Chiron throughout camp. We walked by the volleyball pit and campers started whispering and pointing to him.

"Just ignore them. News of you beating the Minotaur spread like wildfire." I sighed as we passed them.

"Great," Percy huffed. He looked up at the attic of the Big House and frowned. "What's up there?"

Chiron turned to see what he pointed at. "Just the attic."

"Somebody lives there?"

"No," Chiron said. "Not a single living thing. Come along, children, lots to see."

We arrived at the strawberry fields, where campers were picking berries and a satyr used his reed pipe.

"Coriane!" Katie yelled and waved me over. "What's the juice on the new guy?"

"Oh, um," I trailed off, not wanting to say anything. "His name is Percy, that's about all I know."

Katie frowned. "I'm sure there's more then that."

"Look, Katie, he just finally came around and he's been having a strange day. He's probably stressed or nervous, or whatever different emotions go with that." I sighed. "He needs time to adjust before everyone starts asking him all these questions."

Katie seemed taken aback by my response. "Gods, sorry Cor, didn't know you were so defensive of him."

I threw my hands in the air and scoffed. "Defensive? I'm being defensive? I'm saying I don't know anything about him and you keep prodding for more! What more do you want from me?"

"Coriane." Chiron said sternly from behind. I glared at Katie before turning back around. "Come along, we're going to the woods."

I nodded and he trotted back to Percy, who was looking at me with a questioning look.

I turned to Katie. "You will leave him alone, understand?"

Katie's expression changed and she nodded. I paused before going back to Chiron and Percy.

We entered the woods and my eyes quickly found the pine tree.

Her pine tree.

"The woods are stocked, if you care to try your luck, but go armed." Chiron said, looking down at Percy.

"Stocked with what?" Percy asked. "Armed with what?"

I smiled slightly. He was like a lost puppy.

"You'll see," Chiron ignored his questions. "Capture the flag is Friday night. Do you have your own sword and shield?"

"My own-?"

"No," Chiron cut him off again. "I don't suppose you do. I think a size five will do, I'll visit the armory later."

"My sword's a size four, and Percy is a little bigger then me so five should do." I added and Chiron nodded.

We left the woods and went around the rest of camp. The archery range, the lake, stables, javelin range, the amphitheater, and our arena.

"Sword and spear fights?" Percy asked.

"Cabin challenges and all that. Not lethal. Usually. Oh, yes, and there's the mess hall."

I looked over. The mess hall was a pavilion framed in white Greek columns over looking the sea. It held a dozen picnic tables made of stone, with no roof nor walls.

"What do you do when it rains?" Percy questioned.

"We still have to eat, don't we?" Chiron said, as though it was quite obvious.

Finally, we approached the cabins. The cabins were arranged in a U shape, facing a common area filled with random statues, fountains, flower beds... you get what I'm saying.

But in the center, was a fire pit lined with stone. The flames stayed all day, and one camper was tending to the flames.

I looked up at Zeus and Hera's cabins. Empty, of course.

"Zeus and Hera?" Percy guessed.


"Their cabins look empty."

"Several of the cabins are. That's true. No one every stays in one or two."

We kept walking along, but Percy stopped.

We were before the third cabin. Poseidon's cabin.

I'd never looked on the inside, but outside it was gray stone with seashell and coral piece in it.

Chiron pulled Percy away and we kept walking past the Ares cabin. They glared at me, before turning their attention to Percy.

Oh Gods. He beat the Minotaur. They're gonna kill him.

I grabbed his arm and shoved him along, saving him from the death stare of Clarisse.

As we walked I looked at my cabin.

I hated how it looked. It was like a Barbie dream house, and it made me hate being a daughter of Aphrodite.

But hey, anything is better then being a child of Ares.

When I came back to the real world, we were before cabin eleven. Hermes.

Annabeth was sitting on the porch of the cabin, reading her book.

For some strange reason, she had an obsession with Greek architecture.

"Annabeth," Chiron said once she noticed us. "I have masters' archery class at noon. Would you join Coriane and take Percy from here?"

"Yes, sir." Annabeth responded and closed her book.

"Cabin eleven," Chiron motioned to Percy. "Make yourself at home."

Percy would have a great time in this cabin.

He tripped walking in, and I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Percy Jackson, meet cabin eleven." Annabeth announced.

"Regular or undetermined?" One of the Stolls asked. I couldn't tell which one.

"Undetermined." I sighed.

Everyone groaned, but Luke came forwards. Before he said anything, he flashed me a quick smile. "Now, now, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy. You can have that spot on the floor, right over there."

"This is Luke," Annabeth said. I cringed, knowing exactly how her face looked. "He's your counselor for now."

"For now?" Percy asked.

"You're undetermined. They don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Cabin eleven takes all newcomers, all visitors. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travelers." Luke explained to him.

I looked at Annabeth, and of course, she had that stupid look.

It was no question that she had a crush on him, no matter how much she denied it. And I probably had one as well.

I mean, we've known one another for five years, we've gone through a whole ton of stuff together. He was kind, patient, and all together a good person.

Not to mention, he's cute.

But how Annabeth would look at him, it was so painfully clear she liked him, but the guy in nineteen, we both knew we had no chance.

Annabeth grabbed Percy and we walked away.

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