•our plan•

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Annabeth showed us her shield she had Charlie make, which would show us anything as long as sunlight hit it. We were down in the streets and Pollux was looking at a police officer. "Why didn't we fall asleep too?"

"It's a huge spell," Silena explained. "We're part god so it's harder to cast one on us."

"When did you learn so much about magic?" Percy asked.

She scoffed. "I don't spend all my time on my wardrobe. Plus Cor told me once."

I smiled up at her.

"Guys," Annabeth said, still looking at her shield. "Check this out."

We surrounded the shield where a dozen speedboats raced towards us, along with a ferry. Then at the Lincoln Tunnel, a ton of monsters were marching. Outside Manhattan, time slowed. Kronos, and maybe Hecate, were making sure nobody else could help.

Percy started giving orders, and my half-sisters other than Silena were so excited to go down Fifth Avenue they kissed Percy on the cheek. I glared at Drew and her smug smile. Gods I wanted to punch her.

"Silena will make sure there's no distractions and will ensure your armor is on the right way and not the cute way." I gave her a tight smile back. "But I'll go with Percy, Annabeth and Athena's cabin will set up plan twenty-three."

Someone in the back shouted, "no detours,you two!"

I turned red but ignored the comment. "Keep in touch with cellphones."

"Cor, you know how to activate the plan too, right?" Annabeth asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I know the basics."

Silena frowned at me. "We don't have cell phones."

Percy tossed her a BlackBerry. "Here you go. You all know Coriane's number right, and some of you know mine, so just grab a phone and call us. Then drop it and use another if needed. And no stealing."

Travis groaned.

"Hold on," Jake Mason said. "You forgot the Lincoln Tunnel."

I bit my lip as I thought of how we could forget that, but a girl called, "how about you leave that to us?"

I grinned at the voice and turned around. "Thalia!"

Thalia hugged Annabeth and I. "Gods I've missed you!"

"You've doubled the hunters, what happened?"

She laughed. "A lot. Bet I've been in more dangerous missions than you, Jackson."

"Complete lie," Percy said.

"After this. You, Annabeth, Cor and I, cheeseburgers and fries at that one hotel on West 57th."

"You're on."

With that Thalia and the hunters moved out. We said our goodbyes to the campers, and went off.

Percy and I found a red Vespa and started driving, as I held onto his waist while we weaved through the cars and sleeping bodies. Normally this would be romantic, but right now I was gripping onto him for fear of my life.

I told Percy to pull over at Madison Square Park and walked over to a statue, one Annabeth had told me about in her times of explaining this plan to me.

"Alright," I sighed. "So, this guy was a governor of New York and was the son of Hebe, I think. I forget what Annabeth said other than this is the statue I need."

Percy paled. "Don't tell me he's an automaton."

I grinned and nodded. "They're planted everywhere, plan twenty-three is using them for an army. It's dangerous though, and if Athena called for it, and Annabeth told me to do it, who am I to deny it?"

I climbed onto the base of his statue and pressed the button on his shoe like Annabeth explained. I looked at the statue that quickly stood up and looked at me, waiting for its command. "Hello, um, Governor Seward. Command sequence: Daedalus twenty-three. Defend Manhattan, begin activation."

He nodded and quickly walked away. "He's going to activate another statue until they're all activated. Hopefully they know we're the good guys."

Percy laughed nervously. "Reassuring." When we saw Greek fire in the sky, it stopped. "We have to hurry."

We ran to the Vespa.

Percy was underwater doing gods knows what, and I was left to wait for him. But then my phone rang and I answered.

"Coriane?" Micheal Yew shouted.

"Yeah, it's me!" I shouted, I could barley hear him. "What's happening?"

"They're matching across the Williamsburg Bridge! We need help, now! They're led by the Minotaur, we can't hold our for that long!"

"Okay, we'll be there soon, Percy is sinking ships right now with the Hudson and East, and he should be... he's done! On our way!"

I hung up and ushered Percy to the Vespa. "Minotaur is back, Apollo cabin needs help. Let's move!"

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