Attack of the Dragons Part 4

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I don't own this story's characters. The only idea of the story is mine. Based on the original stories Naruto and Fairy Tails.


3rd person pov

Natsu standing on the roof and watching the current battle between Humans and Dragons. He already completed his work rescuing and made sure the public are safe. Then He decided to let Mira and Other have a battle with Dragons. It's good for them. This fight provides them with a good experience. He is already very impressed with his Girlfriends till now. They are doing great.

Mira already defeats 2 Dragons and currently, she fighting with the Third one and Rough with riding that dragon. Even if she is against two people. She isn't disadvantaged at all. Her Demonic soul becomes more powerful from her hard training and gets a very high power boost. Although she was doing nice. But right now, She looks completely exhausted, Indicating that she reached her limits.

Kagura also defeated 2 Dragons. Although it's not easy as Mira but she did a good job on that. Kagura fighting her 3rd Dragon right now. Her Gravity Magic, Sword art mastery and Martial arts which Natsu taught her have great effect when they use together, She using that combination right now. She also getting help from an Alternative Version of herself, Alt. Erza and Alt. Mira. Although Others are helping her to deal some damage to Dragon and are able to distract them for a while, the Main attacker still is Kagura. She also panting very heavily. She also took a lot of damage. Just Like Mira she also reached her limits. She can't go on much longer.

Ultear also doing good. Although she didn't beat her 2nd Dragon but she even help citizens to escape and take them to a safe place. Her Arc of Time Is good magic but didn't give any advantage in battle. So that's why she learns some other offensive magics like Re-equip magic. Her Re-equip magic gives a great advantage over this battle and Rescuing citizens. She has some armour which is personally made by Natsu. By Looking at the Battle between her and Dragon. Natsu can tell, Ultear can Defeat that Dragon but can't defeat 3rd one. Erza, Gray, Alt. Natsu, Sting, Rough, Wendy, Alt. Wendy and Gajeel also help her by providing enough support. But she also reached her limits. She can't go on much longer.

Hisue also doing good. But she didn't have much experience as others, So she is currently the weakest among all the Natsu's Girlfriends. But If she is Weak that didn't mean she can't put the fight against that Dragon. She uses all of her celestial spirits to fight Dragon. Even she also entered battled and fought alongside her celestial spirits. She still fighting her first Dragon but Natsu know that even if she can't defeat that Dragon, still this battle experience with Dragon help her to grow stronger. Her Alternative Version, Lucy, Alternative Lucy, Future Lucy and Yukino still can't believe that Celestial Mage can be this much strong too. They also aid her. Best they can. But still, They can't defeat That Dragon. All of them are already on their limits.

Out of all Natsu's Girlfriends Who are currently available here right now, The strongest one is currently Seliah Overtaking Mira by just Slightly. But still, she is strongest till now. She already using her serious Form. She already fighting against her Forth Dragon without anyone aiding her. Still, in Natsu's Opinion, She got that fight in her hand. Natsu knows that she can Defeat the Dragon who she fighting right now. Her best advantage over that Dragon is her Curses. Those Curses give a huge advantage in the battle against Dragon or anyone else. But even she reached her limits. Natsu knows that even if she defeats the 4th one but then she won't be in a shape where she can fight her 5th Dragon. She has to use her all to defeat the current one without letting her guard down. Only then she can come out victorious. But Natsu didn't worry about her. He knows that she isn't rash and charges without thinking. She knows what to do.

Natsu knows that everyone has had enough training till now. It's time for him to enter the battlefield.

With Alt. Makarov

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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