~What a coincidence~ ❤️

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Hey yall I want to warn you before you move on that this and beyond will start to get interesting more and more, so this will start to get 13+ sense there will be stalkingin this chapter so if you've had any experience with that stuff I highly suggest you don't read this due to trama.

F/D-Favorite Drink
F/F-Favorite Food
F/C-Favorite Color

(You and Lillian finally arrived to the pizza shack to see its kinda like a mix between hooters and a bar since there were girls in Santa outfits and string lights all around the bar, The bar seemed pretty loud aswell so you could barely hear yourself think let alone have a conversation)

Y/M-why do they call this a shack if it's just a bar with a bunch of girls in costumes...

Lillian-I don't know actually... but let's go find somewhere to sit...I guess (she seemed hesitant)

(You and Lillian find a nice little 4 person booth in the corner of the bar/shack that seemed to be less loud)

Y/M-ok I guess it ain't all that bad... Right?

Lillian-ehhhh it's ok...

(Before you both knew it a girl came up to you with menus dressed like a elf)

???-Hello my name is Amy and I'll be your server, welcome to La plaza bar I hope you enjoy your stay and merry Christmas (she smiled

(You and Lillian looked at each other)

(You began to chuckle)

Lillian-I thought this was a pizza place... Sorry.

Amy-no worry's, we actually get that alot here since plaza and pizza seem kinda similar... but If your actually looking for a pizza place there is one called Hot and Go that sells delicious pizza in my opinion.

Lillian-Thank you but we already are tired from shopping so much and walking in the cold.

Y/M-yea it's starting to get a lot colder now.( you say warming up your hands)

Amy-alright if that is the case then can I start you two off with some drinks?

Lillian-yes I'll take a wine special

Amy-Alright,what about you sir?

Y/M-Ill take a F/D. (You say cheerfully)

Amy-alright I'll have thoes out to you soon. (She walks away)

Y/M-She was nice (you say smiling)

Lillian-Agreed but after we're done here we have a movie to watch!

Y/M-Hell yea!, let's get so much candy and snack while we're watching it aswell

Lillian-sounds like a plan. (She sounded cheerful but that ended quickly)

Y/M-you alright Lillian?(you looked confused.

Lillian-yea yea I'm fine but Y/M I must ask you something real quick.

Y/M-what's up?

Lillian-ya know how you were freaking out earlier about that guy in line with us.

Y/M-Yea...(you looked nervous)

(Before you knew it the waiter was back with your drinks)

Amy-alright here is your wine and your F/D, can I get you started on food or you not ready yet?

Lillian-yea actually can I get a steak and side salad.

Amy-ok and you sir?

Y/M-I'll have F/D

My Little human~ (Yandere Ramattra) Where stories live. Discover now