Mick Schumacher; Prince and Pauper.

Depuis le début

"You're my favourite richy." He teased, squeezing her one more time before reluctantly pulling away. "Write to me when you reach your next destination, please keep yourself safe."

"I promise I will write, but I also do have a knife on me for the safety aspect." She said, looking to the border and a dark forest before her. "I must go, George. I swear I will be back and see you."

"I trust your decision, (Y/N)... Godspeed, my friend." And with that, she took off to the border, crossing through with no problem after showing the guards the seal from the lord. George stayed until she was out of sight, checking nothing was left in the carriage, before spotting a ring with a pearl inset. A little note read that this was for when the time to propose came and he laughed to himself, softly smiling as his eyes welled with tears. "Godspeed, lovely girl." He whispered before slipping the ring into his breast pocket and turning back to the village.

As (Y/N) pushed through the forest, the light of the sky was slowly waning and she was nowhere near the grand home of her uncle yet. A white horse suddenly ran by and knocked her off her feet, sending her spinning before she tripped on a tree root and fell into a boggy puddle. The skirt of her dress which was already muddied was now sodden with dirt. The hoofs landing on the wet floor slowed as they approached once more, two feet sinking into the boggy ground then followed as they squelched to her side. As she lifted her head up to see who was before her, she met a pair of eyes that were as blue as the moon in summer and seemed to light up under the night sky. "I'm so terribly sorry!" The young man profusely apologised, offering his handkerchief and a hand to her as she gawked at him momentarily. "Pferdinand is unsure of nighttime riding, I wasn't expecting to see anyone out here..." He explained as he placed the handkerchief in his palm before wrapping his hand around hers.

"It's quite alright sire," she explained, thankful for the hand up as she stepped to her full height. His hands softly cleaned her palms of any debris and dirt, checking for any cuts. "I am grateful for the company so late in the evening, the woods seem to enclose as the night draws in."

"Indeed it does, why is such a young, pretty maiden out here by herself so late?" He asked, wiping some dirt from her face, feeling the heat of her cheeks as the sleeve of his shirt brushed over her skin. He took note of how she hesitated and stood down, softly smiling as his beautiful teeth bared. "My apologies, I didn't mean to pry. Where are you headed? I am more than happy to take you there."

"I am headed to Mansell House, I am soon to be dwelling there." She said, relieved at the thought of being brought from the woods and to her new residence refreshing her tired resolve.

"We can ride to the gate with no issue." The nameless young man said, taking her bag from her back and attaching it on to the seat of the horse. "Would you feel more comfortable if you were on the back of the horse or the front?" He asked as they approached the stirrups.

"I am happy to ride however you see fit." She said, feeling his hands lift her to the seat in a fluid swing. "By chance, sir... Can I ask you for your name?" She asked, the depth of the night hiding the shock on his face as he took a moment to think of something creative.

"I'm Mick, and you are?" He asked in response, seeing a small smile grace her visage.

"My name is (Y/N)." She simply stated as she adjusted herself, Mick jumping on the back of the horse and reaching forward to take the reigns. His arms stayed snuggly to her side, his hands controlling the leather firmly yet sensitively as his body pressed against hers, head barely avoiding her shoulder as Pferdinand's hooves moved through the woods. The ride was silent - (Y/N) was slowly falling asleep with the steady rhythm set by the horse and lead rider, her head lolling back as she slowly dropped off. Mick slowed the horse to a soft trot as he noticed her resting her eyes, and soon saw the torches that signalled their arrival at the Mansell House.

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