Scott rewrites the rules, the next great musical act is formed and Steve cries

62 4 96

How the fuck we nearly at 10000 reads...

Also, I had a request :) So I'm back. And we'll forget I haven't been here since April.

Request deviates a little from original... that happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Scott: Bleugh

Scott: I'm fed up of this new generation

Peter 1: :(

Scott: It isn't personal

Peter 1: :(

Clint: whats up

Clint: except the sky/ceiling before you say it

Scott: Everything is up when you're the size of an ant

Clint: you got me

Scott: I just found out that the acronym STFU doesnt stand for Scott's The Fun Uncle

Scott: And I gave Peter a shirt with that on for his birthday

Scott: Not knowing it meant shut the fuck up

Peter 1: Aw, dont worry about it Mr Scott! Either way, I like pink t-shirts, and it can be an inside thing with just us, right :)

Scott: So now I hate Gen z

Peter 1: o

Vision: I wish you had consulted me, Mr Lang, for I could have alerted you to the situation. Else, I could've rewritten the algorithm so that the universally recognised abbreviation 'STFU' really stood for 'Scott's The Fun Uncle', as opposed to 'Shut The F*** Up' as it does currently.

Scott: Thanks Vis, bit late now tho

Loki: is Vision incapable of swearing?

Vision: My programming prohibits my inability to utter even the most offensive words. This was done so that Mr Stark could never be upstaged by my dark wit and humour. Automatically my programming will censor anything deemed offensive by a general population or a specific audience.

Loki: That is the saddest thing i have ever heard

Steve: Thank goodness, this means I don't have to be the language police to at least one person 😌

Loki: Would you like me to hack


Loki: I think vision deserves his humanoid cyborg rights Anthony

Scott: Guys I was trying to get a fucking rant going :(

Loki: oops, sorry, my bad, you go ahead

Vision: Apologies, Mr Lang. Continue with your f***ing rant.

Scott: Thank you

Scott: Well I was thinking

Scott: gen z have made all these stupid acronyms

Scott: And there definitely weren't this many before I came back from the quantum realm

Scott: But honestly they're just annoying. I can go a sentence without using tbh lol idk ffs istg ilysm brb ty fr

Peter 1: the saddest thing is I can read that :------)

Scott: Well I'm thinking

Scott: I'll just make my own acronyms

Scott: IDC can be Investing (in) Delicious Custard

Clint: what the fuck

Natasha: but when would you ever use that in a sentence?

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