The way he felt a slight shock when her lips grazed his. He could remember his feelings at that moment, the way he wanted nothing more than to grab onto her waist and pull her towards him and fulfill the one wish he didn't know he wanted.

Dan Heng brought his hand up and touched his lips, the same lips he nearly used to kiss her last night.

Realization kicked in once again and he used his hand to hide his flushed face. What didn't help him was the sounds of Y/n groaning into the cushion as she starting to wake up.

He quickly splashed his face with water and refilled the cup. He walked over to where she was and helped her sit upright — Y/n was holding her head in her hands as she was fighting a headache.

"Good morning." He whispered, he was careful not to be loud as he figured she most likely had a headache.

She simply hummed and leaned onto his shoulder and closed her eyes. Dan Heng slightly froze up from the simple gesture and didn't realize the cup of water he was holding was shaking.

Y/n could feel his body get tense and opened a singular eye just to see the cup of water shaking in his grip.

"It's gonna spill..." She whispered as she gently took the cup from his hands and downed it herself.

Dan Heng didn't mean to glance, but his heart betrayed his mind. His eyes traced every feature on her face until he looked lower. His eyes were solely trained on her lips now as she downed the water.

He never thought he would wish to be a cup at that very moment. Maybe just a little.

His thoughts were interrupted as Y/n put the glass on the coffee table in front of them and stood up. She yawned and stretched her muscles out, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head.

She smacked her lips as she looked around at her surroundings. "I suddenly want coffee..." She whispered mostly to herself.

Dan Heng caught wind of her words and stood up as well. "I can take you to that coffee place down the road if you want." He tried to play it off as casual as he could despite wanting to spend their free day together.

Y/n turned to face him and he averted his gaze anywhere but towards her smile — he was afraid that he would fall down deeper in this rabbit hole called love if he did. "Sure!" She said with a small sudden burst of energy.


Y/n sipped on her drink as the two of them were waiting for Dan Heng's order to finish up.

The shop looked busy at the minute, so that meant a crowd was starting to swarm. Dan Heng didn't want to lose her in the crowd so he simply wrapped a arm around her covered shoulder... She was wearing one of his hoodies since he didn't want her to wear the same clothes she wore the day before.

So he let her borrow one of his hoodies and sweatpants. Although the pants were too big on her, Dan Heng used the drawstring to tighten it for her back at his place.

Y/n was still flushed from this whole day so far. She didn't know it was still from the liquor or the fact that it was all being caused by the man that stood besides her.

The growing crowd of people in the shop kept getting larger. They were starting to get angry and shove the others out of their way. Dan Heng kept a firm grip on her shoulders so she wouldn't get hurt.

tranquility ▸ dan hengWhere stories live. Discover now