As expected, the poor crepe was hopelessly burned due to my negligence. "While I'm finishing up here, sit down at the table, please. I have just a little bit left, "I promise, as if Meg is going to go somewhere.

Aiden, in turn, tactfully leaves us alone, "I'm gonna grab a shower."

Every free minute I peek at my friend with a smile, still unable to fully realize what is happening.

"You're so different," she says first, watching me closely. "But it's so you."

I finally turn off the stove, put a plate of crepes on the table and sit down next to Meg, intending to set the table properly a little later.

"Changed so much?"

"Dramatically. But only for the better," smiles my friend. "There's a lot more life in you now. And red suits you insanely!"

I forgot that I had put on a bright sundress with straps in the morning.

Usually Meggie always stood out more because of her red hair, but now I seem to outshine her because of the contrast of our clothes.

"I'll let you try on everything I have. We will pick up a new wardrobe for you, buy colourful cosmetics..."

"Vivi, wait, wait. Don't forget I'm not here forever, and they won't appreciate all this beauty there."

The friend's comment sobers my enthusiasm, "How long are you staying?"

"Alastair promised to cover me for no more than a day. You know, if I stay here longer, suspicions will arise. I specifically agreed because today and tomorrow are days off..."

"Okay, okay, I see," I interrupt her without hiding a disappointed sigh. "Did Aiden find you?"

Such familiar devils are running in Meg's eyes, "Yes. And at first I didn't believe he was your boyfriend. I thought they were deceiving me, they wanted to test my loyalty to the system or something like that," she giggles sourly. "But then he said that you felt bad and I couldn't not come. I was so worried."

I cover my friend's hand on the table with my palm as a sign of gratitude. "How are you doing? How are your relationship with Alastair developing?"

I want to ask her so much that, I'm afraid, she will have to spend all the day (already less) given to us to answer the questions I'm interested in.
I always asked a lot of them :)

"We got married. Although I understand this is hasty, but so far everything is fine," smiles Meg. It's clear she loves her husband very much. "Are you and Aiden...married?"

"No, we just date," I start hastily. "You can do that here."

"You can probably do EVERYTHING here," she interjects with a grin. "Even from Aiden alone, it's quite obvious that people here are not like us at all. Much bolder."

"I'm afraid that's not the case..."

I'm sure she doesn't see the real picture either, like I did before.

"I might have thought that such an eccentric guy could attract me, and not you, but it turned out differently," my friend laughs.

"Yeah, that's for sure," I smile back.

I have to take a break for breakfast when Aiden comes back from the shower.

"How do you like crepes? Was my attempt successful?"

I put saucers on the table with everything I found: strawberry jam from Grace's stock, condensed milk, chocolate paste, honey, sour cream.

I put saucers on the table with everything I found: strawberry jam from Grace's stock, condensed milk, chocolate paste, honey, sour cream

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