13 - apologies

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           i wake up to the sun peaking through my blinds and my phone buzzing. i look at the time and it's 9 am. i almost forgot about what had happened last night until i saw i was still in jeans. i get up and walk over to my dresser to look for something more comfy.

          i let my phone buzz, i don't feel like looking at it. my nose was stuffy and my eyes were swollen from crying so much last night. i grab a light purple hoodie and some shorts out of the bottom drawer.

          i quickly put them on and pick up my phone. the group chat the rest of the house was in and everyone in my dms were blowing my phone up. first i check blake's texts.

texts with blake and dani

-are u ok??
-im so sorry about them
-can i come up there?
-i just wanna help.
-sleep well.

-it's fine you didn't do anything wrong.

           i scroll through the rest of my dms and click on larry's.

larry's texts with dani

-im so sorry dani.
-i shouldn't have done that to you
-especially when i made fun of you for it. -please let me know if we can talk?

-we can talk soon lare.

          i get tired of reading all the sorrys so i just go downstairs. i slowly walk into the kitchen and grab a bowl out of the cabinet and the frosted flakes from the pantry. i remember i had bought strawberries the other day. i open the fridge and grab the plastic container. i take the lid off and cut up two strawberries and put them in my cereal.

          while i clean up the counters, isaac walks in the kitchen. "dani...hi." he says sounding almost shocked. "hey." i reply flatly. i don't even look at him. "listen, i'm so sorry for last night. i really need-" i cut him off. "we can talk later." i say while walking past the tall man.

          he drops his hands to his side in defeat, walking back to his room. i didn't want to be cold but they all really hurt me. i'm not gonna let them just say they're sorry just to be hurt again. i start watching one piece and eat my cereal when larry comes down. "nick and tanner took grunk to the airport." he said after a long awkward silence.

          "where's blake?" i ask, keeping my eyes glued to the screen. i hate being mad at larry. i know out of any of them he's genuinely sorry. "he's in his room." he answers quietly. he walks over and sits down next to me. i look over at him and see his face has a sorry expression. "i know that you're sorry larry but it's hard for me to just forgive." i say, setting down my bowl.

he nods and runs his hands through his hair. "we shouldn't have teased you. that was wrong of us. if you don't believe any of them, believe me dani." he said. u nod and give him a hug. "i'm gonna go see blake alright?" he nods and stays on the couch.

i take my bowl to the sink and quickly head upstairs. i knock quietly, waiting for a reply. "come in." blake says quietly. when he sees it's me he gets away from his desk immediately. i walk in and shut the door behind me. he makes his way over to me and hugs me tight. i wrap my arms around his torso and wait until he lets go. "i made sure those little shits apologized, especially tanner." blake said sounding slightly angry.

i nod as he pulls away from the embrace to see my face. he kissed my forehead before sitting back at his desk. i get an extra chair from the loft and sit next to him. i watched as he edited his streaming setup. "you about to go live?" i ask. "yeah, 'Idiots in Cars'." he says with a slight chuckle.

"how have you not run out of those videos? you've done so many streams on that." i ask in disbelief. he laughs and shrugs. "the day i run out is the day i fall off." he says with a smile. i smile and ruffle his hair. "do you wanna be in it?" he asks after clicking on a couple tabs. "yeah!! just let me get ready." i say before quickly getting up and jogging to my room.

          i grab my make-up bag and head to the guest bathroom to do my makeup. i don't do much, just some concealer, mascara, lipgloss, and small eyeliner. i tie my hair up into a bun and head back to blake's room. he was scrolling on his phone waiting for me to get back.

          "hey i'm back." i say as i shut the door behind me. he smiles and turns towards his monitor. i sit in the swivel chair next to him and wait for him to hit "go live".

          "here, change my light colors." he says while handing me his phone. i remember the colors that looked the best on him from the arcade. i turn one blue, one pink, and one purple. i smile and set his phone down. we both watch as the chat fills with hello's and hi's.

          soon he switches his camera on and chat goes wild when they see me. "hey chat! as you can see, dani's with me today!" he says while smiling at me. i wave into the camera and smile. yumi talks to chat for a minute and explains what we're gonna do on stream while i focus on chat.

          'why is she here?' a user sent in chat. 'she's so annoying and totally using yumi.' another said. they didn't stay in the chat for long since the mods timed them out. blake turns to me giving me a 'u okay?' look. i nod and we get back to the stream.

time skip

          "THEY'RE FINE!!" blake yells after pausing a video that has an actual crash that could've caused death. "I SAVED THEM!" he panics. i laugh as he skips to a another part of the video. after we saw a clip of a guy swerving on a highway we decided it was time to end stream. "okay chat! looks like our time here is up. i'll catch y'all next stream!" he says. i wave bye and he shuts off the stream.

          i slump back into the chair and sigh. "i'm sorry for chat, they can be mean." blake said before kissing me. i kiss back and smile. "it's okay! i've heard worse." i say. at this point, the guys had gotten back from the airport. "i need to talk to tanner. bye blake see ya later." i say before kissing him again and walking out of his room.

          i walk over to the loft and see that tanner was sitting on the couch. he looked up and saw me. immediately he ran up the stairs and hugged me. i hesitated before hugging him back. "i'm so so so sorry danielle. i shouldn't have...mocked you." he said sincerely. i squeeze his torso and nod. "i know tanner. it's okay." i say before letting go. he smiles and takes my hand, leading me downstairs to the kitchen.

          he reached into the he fridge and grabbed two white claws. "YOU GOT MORE WHITE CLAW??" i say happily. we had run out two nights ago and i had been meaning to get more. i hug tanner again before we both crack one open and take a sip.


technical difficulties {yumi x OC}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz