06 - marked

990 21 4

a/n: fluff and sexual content

I wake up to clattering in the kitchen at 4 in the morning. I toss and turn but cannot shut the sound out. i groan as i sit up from the head ache that i have. i wrap a blanket around me and walk downstairs. i see isaac and nick making food to eat before leaving to get grunk. apparently grunks flight was getting in at a weird time and they don't want to make him wait. they spot me walking down the stairs and stop moving. i shuffle over to the bean bag and flop down on it. "you're up early." nick says. i glare at him. "yeah because you guys wouldn't shut the fuck up." they laugh and go back to what they were doing. i yawn while wrapping my blanket tighter around me. i sit back up and pull my knees to my chest.

i was watching spongebob when larry came downstairs and flopped on the beanbag with me. i share my blanket with him as he gets settled in his spot. "why are you up so early?" he asks me finally. "Those dumbasses in the kitchen won't stop being loud while making food." i say in an annoyed tone. larry chuckles and lays his head on my shoulder. "after living here with them for so long, you get used to it." i smile as larry lays back on the beanbag and falls asleep. i look back in the kitchen to see isaac and nick laughing while making a sandwich that looks like its from scooby doo. i lie back down and fall asleep.

"dani, wake up!" i hear a voice say. i wake up and see grunk. he had been trying to wake up larry but moved on to me when he didn't budge. "GRUNK!" i say happily. ive only met him through a discord call with nick ONCE and he was so sweet. i get up quickly and hug him. i accidentally pulled the blanket off of larry and he woke up. "dude where is the...GRUNK!" larry exclaims, jumping on grunks back. we all break from the hug and talk on the couch. i look at my phone and see that its 8 am. "how long have you been here?" i ask, crossing my arms. "oh i've been here since 6 but took a nap." grunk said happily.

we all start joking around some more when i spot tanner sleepily stumbling down the stairs. he spots grunk and stops in his tracks. "is that a GRRRUNK i see?!" he says excitedly. tanner runs full speed and jumps on grunk while giggling like a maniac. we all laugh as tanner scrambles back to his feet and plops down on the couch next to me. "where are nick and isaac?" larry asks grunk. "they went back to sleep i think." he says while pulling out his phone. "oh well i'm gonna go see if blake is awake." i announce. tanner gives me a look but i shake my head.

i haven't spoken to blake since last night. he's texted me but i never answered. mainly because i was asleep, but also because i didn't think i could face him. now seemed like the best time because if he was asleep, i could say i tried.

i knock on his door and wait for him to reply. "who is it?" a faint voice asks. "dani." i say quickly. i wait for a moment at his door, hearing things being moved around. he opens the door looking out of breath. "yeah?" he says finally while fixing his scraggly hair. "can we talk?" i ask quietly. he opened his door more and signaled for me to walk in.

"i'm sorry for what happened with nick. he got way too heated for no reason." i say with sincerity. he looks at me with a sad look. "it's fine. you didn't feel forced or anything though right?" he asked, sitting down next to me. "no! i was the one who instigated everything." i say waving my hands. he gives me a 'are u fr' kind of look. "i was the one who put my hand on your thigh while you were drunk." he said in a flat tone. i laugh for a moment and lay my head on his shoulder.

we sit in silence for awhile. it was oddly comforting with faint music playing. "we should go downstairs." i say finally, lifting my head from his shoulder. "yeah we should." he said sarcastically. i smile and look over at him. "are we going to?" i ask softly. "no." he said immediately.

i hadn't realized how close we were until this moment. he lifted his hand and cupped the side of my face while his eyes flicked from my lips and back to my eyes. i feel his hand glide up my thigh. without hesitation, i close the gap between our lips. the kisses were light and gentle at first. shortly they led to a full make out session. i swing my leg over his lap and straddle him. i pull away from the kiss and let him pepper my skin and collarbones with kisses and lovebites. i start laughing at the feelings of them on my neck. blake stops for a moment to laugh.

i was about to go in for another kiss when blake heard footsteps going up the stairs. i scramble off of blake and go into his bathroom. blake grabbed a pillow and put it over the tent in his shorts right as tanner walks in and observes the room. "is dani in here?" he asks, noticing the odd placement of blakes pillows. i quickly, but quietly, exit the bathroom from the other door and speed into my room. i look in the mirror that was propped up against my wall. i immediately see three large marks on my neck. "shit." i whisper under my breath. i get closer to look at them and notice my lips are red and puffy. i slightly smile. "danielle?" a voice says from behind my door along with a couple knocks. "SHIT! uh who is it?" i say, startled from the knocks.

"it's tanner, can i come in?" he asks softly. i walk over and open the door. he immediately noticed the red marks on my neck. "holy shit. wait...you and- OH GOD." tanner exclaims while figuring out what happened. "tanner we didn't even do that. just kissing. what is it?" he looks at me for a moment and continues. "we're all going out for a vlog, like everyone. get some makeup on that." he said pointing to my neck. i softly trace the marks while shutting my door.


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