The School's Queen

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Esther walked alongside Andrew, her eyes widening at the grandeur of the company headquarters. The glass-walled building stretched towards the sky, reflecting the golden rays of the setting sun. Andrew was beaming with pride as he guided Esther through the polished marble foyer and into an expansive atrium.

He looked at her, and was absolutely stunned by her beauty. He couldn't believe that the girl he seemed to start liking so much, loved someone completely else.

"Oh, Andrew, this is incredible," Esther exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. She turned in a slow circle, taking in the sleek design and bustling atmosphere of the place. "You've built something truly remarkable here."

Andrew's heart swelled with joy at Esther's words. Seeing her appreciate his life's work made him feel both proud and grateful. "Thank you, Esther. I've poured my heart into this company, and it means a lot to me that you understand and appreciate it."

Esther glanced up at Andrew, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "I can see the passion and dedication you've put into every detail. It's inspiring, Andrew." She looked around again. "The architecture in this is so vintage. It looks straight put of the of the most interesting eras of architecture, don't you think?" Esther asked, turning back to him.

He reached out and gently tucked a lock of hair behind Esther's ear, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Esther, you are so beautiful."

A slight smile crept onto Esther's cheeks as her eyes met Andrew's intense gaze. "Thank you"

Andrew's hand left her cheek and descended to her waist, his touch tender and warm.

Their bodies moved closer, as if drawn together by an invisible force. Esther placed her hand on Andrew's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her palm. Andrew cupped Esther's face in his hands, his lips inching closer to hers. But she quickly moved her head away, feeling uneasy.

As they pulled away, their eyes locked in a shared confusion. "Everything Ok?" Andrew questioned. Angel didn't know what she was supposed to say and cleared her throat. In that moment, a woman came in.

"Sir, please you need to follow me there's a slight emergency with the cameras" the woman stated. Andrew nodded at her and then turned to Esther again. "Stay here, I'm coming right back" Andrew stated, his hands caressing her shortly and walking out.

She waited a few seconds before immediately heading out of the office room they were in.

Esther's heart pounded in her chest as she moved through the corridors of Andrew's company headquarters. She had taken great risks to deactivate the security cameras. Her footsteps were barely audible as she crept closer to her destination.

The hallway stretched ominously before her, the silence broken only by the distant hum of machinery. Esther's palms grew sweaty, but she pushed forward, driven by the urgency to uncover the truth.

Finally, she reached a nondescript door hidden within the labyrinthine maze of the building. With trembling hands, she retrieved a small toolkit from her bag and swiftly picked the lock. The door swung open, revealing a small, dimly lit room lined with shelves upon shelves of documents and files.

Esther's eyes darted across the room, searching for the one folder that contained Yvonne's health history the key to understanding her mystery and making Amy-Leigh happy. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the room, her steps cautious and deliberate.

As Esther scanned the shelves, her heart sank. The room was a maze of information, and finding the right file seemed like an impossible task. She mentally retraced Yvonne's medical history, searching for any clues that might guide her.

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