Wedding Day

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"Dad, could you pass the butter please?" Spencer asked, pointing to it. Steven followed but Cecelia stopped his hand.

"Don't give it to her. Today is the wedding day. I don't want you to look bloated. That's why the Luxury Scandals people called you fat, you bloat too easily" Cecelia advised, making Spencer roll her eyes.

"Great. Dry ass FUCKING toast it is!" Spencer yelled.

"Language!" Kate exclaimed, pointing to Laura and William.

"That goes for you too Mrs. bride!" Cecelia said, noticing Esther gobble up bread with Nutella on it. "What? C'mon!" Esther complained.

"Less complaining, more eating faster. You will have to get ready soon" Cecelia continued her advising. "This is the worst day of my life!" Esther groaned.

Henry scowled at her. "Yours? I am the one being forced to marry you?"
"Yeah! Same here. It's called an arranged marriage, doofus!" Esther yelled.

"Please...don't start" Spencer sighed, placing her fingers to her temples. Cecelia barely opened her mouth to say something when they heard a loud scream coming from the upstairs.

Esther immediately jumped up. "Amy-Leigh!" She yelled concerned. Spencer raised an eyebrow. "That little girl gets weirder every day" Spencer admits.

The family heard steps coming from upstairs and then they saw Amy-Leigh sprinting to the table.

"Ames...babe. You're word vomiting" Spencer told her. Amy-Leigh took a deep breath in. "I am holding a love letter!" Amy-Leigh held it out.

Estger smiled. "Aww! Is it from that boy I saw you talking to at the engagement party?" Esther asked. Amy-Leigh pulled a disgusted face. "Leonardo Van Buren? No!" Amy-Leigh said, offended.

"Amy-Leigh just tell us who it is from so that we can all eat together in peace" Cecelia complained, rubbing her hand on her forehead out of stress. Amy-Leigh smiled.

"It's an anonymous letter but-"
"Anonymous? Must be fake, throw it away" Cecelia interrupted her. Amy-Leigh's big bright smile started to form into a frown. "Wh-Why would it be fake?" Amy-Leigh asked.

"Oh, my dear, no one would actually waste their time in telling you how they feel anonymously. I mean it doesn't make any type of sense" Cecelia laughed but Amy-Leigh didn't find it funny, she was hurt.

"I think it's romantic..." Amy-Leigh said, her voice barely above a whisper. Esther suddenly stood up.

"Cecelia, I'm done." Esther murmured. Cecelia nodded. "Good. Go take a shower and everything and after that the makeup artist and Giada will get you all dolled up for this afternoon" Cecelia smiled. "You really need it," she said under her breath but Esther still heard it.

Kate kicked Cecelia under the table. "What? It's the truth?" Cecelia said, shrugging.

Esther nodded and walked towards the stairs, but not before placing her hand on Amy-Leigh's shoulder and whispering something.

"For what it's worth, I think a secret admiter is romantic" Esther smiled and Amy-Leigh smiled too.


Andrew looked at himself in the mirror as he put on his best suit for the marriage. And even though he couldn't help but feel jealous about his brother marrying the girl he wants, he still wanted to act respectful and mature about it.

Then he heard a knock at the door. He turned around to see Henry walking in, still in his normal clothes. Andrew looked at him confused.

"Shouldn't you be dressing up?"
"I should be, yeah." Henry said, making Andrew raise an eyebrow at him. "Ok..." Andrew sighed, turning back to the mirror. As he fixed his suit collar he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

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