It has to continue

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Spencer lies back on her bed while staring out of the window, the rain tapping the window. She looks at her phone and notices a message from Warren. She smiles and runs to the window, opening it.

"You're a loser, you know that?" Spencer giggles as she pulls Warren into the room. He shrugs as he runs his hand through his wet brown hair.

"I don't know what else you expect me to do when I said that I would treat you like a princess," Warren says.

Spencer crosses her arms over her chest. "Do you plan on staying wet or do you have something to wear?" She questions, smiling. He shrugs at her question. "Whatever you wish me to do"

"Alright, then. Let's get you dry first," Spencer declares, shaking her head with a playful smirk as she heads for the closet. She rummages around, eventually pulling out an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of joggers. "These should fit you."

Warren raises an eyebrow, looking at the clothes in her hand before chuckling. "I feel like you just want to see me in your clothes."

"And what if I do?" Spencer retorts, throwing the clothes at him. He catches them, his green eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Alright, alright, your highness. Your wish is my command," Warren says, disappearing into the adjoining bathroom to change.

While he's away, Spencer takes a moment to herself, her heart beating a little faster. She couldn't exactly pinpoint when her relationship with Warren had evolved from friends to...whatever this was. But she wasn't complaining. His presence, his jokes, even his annoyingly charming smile, she wouldn't change any of it.

When Warren emerges from the bathroom, he's wearing her clothes, and she can't help but burst into laughter. He looks down at himself, grinning.

"Well, how do I look?" he asks, striking a pose.

"Like a drowned rat in a sweatshirt," she teases, but her eyes are warm. "But it's a good look for you."

Warren rolls his eyes, crossing the room to plop down on the bed beside her. "You're lucky I like you, Spencer."

Her heart skips a beat, but she covers it up with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm the lucky one," she retorts, shoving him lightly. "Come on, watch a movie with me" She pulled him to her bed and they both lay down.


Esther throws the home door open, interrupting the peace of Kate who was crocheting while talking to Cecelia.

"Esther, what happened to you?" Kate asked walking towards the dripping wet girl as Giada ran to get a towel. Esther was shaking, from the cold of the rain.

"Where's Henry?" Cecelia asked. "I'm right here, Mom," Henry said, walking down from the stairs with a smirk plastered on his face. Esther felt rage as she saw his grin.

"What?! How come you weren't together just now?" Cecelia questioned as she stood up to forecast authority. Giada came running back and put the towel around her as she dried her up.

"Well, Esther was being a bitch so I left her to walk" Henry talked, still grinning.

Esther looked at him with an angrier look than before.
"Excuse me?" She asked stepping closer.
"Henry! That is not how you treat a lady!" Kate yelled but Henry shrugged and walked upstairs.

Esther clenched her jaw while Giada patted her shoulder. "Cheer up. He doesn't always think about what he's saying at the moment"
Kate patted her too but she pushed them both away.

"I don't need you guys to excuse him! You have to educate that dumbass. I am TIRED of this and it just started, if you keep doing this I will-"

"You will what, Esther?" Cecelia finally spoke after holding her tongue for so long. "You will refuse the marriage? Then you'll go back to the streets, where you honestly belong. I want the best for my kids. And the wealth YOU bring to us will not make us billionaires, but so much more. So you're going to accept that you don't belong to ANYONE but this family!" Cecelia yells.

The Luxury Scandals (formerly:The Billionaire's Girl)| BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now